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Recent content by cyberstorm

  1. C

    [Live Case Study] Make Money With YouTbe And CPA

    Hi anes, Firstly off, excellent case study. I just wanted to point out something: I ran this exact offer on a different affiliate network around 3 weeks ago. I drove a heap of keyword + geo targetted traffic to the offer and I got 0 conversions. I even placed a banner on one of my decent...
  2. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    Update: So, after changing the banner back to the original one (as per my previous post) I've noticed mY CTR improve to 0.44. Not exactly fireworks but an improvement on the poor 0.31 showing. I'm still not receiving anywhere near as many clicks as the advertiser claimed though. Despite getting...
  3. C

    Good beginner PPV network for listbuilding?

    Does anyone know what the minimum for LeadImpact is?
  4. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    Update: My stats to this point are: 2013-02-13 Impressions 2,971 Clicks 9 CTR 0.30 Conversions 0 2013-02-12 Impressions 13,385 Clicks 42 CTR 0.31 Conversions 1 Revenue $5 Seems like changing the banner didn't result in as many clicks as I had hoped for. Considering that JuicyAds listed...
  5. C

    Whats the biggest amount you've lost?

    It was between $0.04 and $0.10 depending on the keyword. My mistake was not changing the ad type. I did get a fair amount of clicks however, but without a single conversion the campaign was a flop.
  6. C


    I run a couple of authority type tech blogs and at their peak both sites were generating around $200 a month for me, but then panda and penguin penalised me and ruined my traffic. I've been steadily trying to build up traffic ever since.
  7. C

    Whats the biggest amount you've lost?

    I recently started out with CPA offers. I loaded $25 into a 7Search campaign and didn't make a single conversion! Learning curve money!
  8. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    Update: My second banner achieved a better CTR initially. My CTR increased to 0.48, but over the course of the past few hours this dropped to 0.36 I have since uploaded a new banner (custom made) and will monitor and test for at least 12 hours. So far these are my stats for today...
  9. C

    Bought Some Ad Spots From Juicy

    How about trying a different landing page for the offer you rotated three times?
  10. C

    Best Europe (Nordic region) media buying networks?

    Did you manage to turn profitable?
  11. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    I think it depends on the site advertised on, the banner, the lander. I know of some that have made big profits using Juicy as their only traffic source and others who use Juicy solely and run multiple ads weekly and generate thousands of dollars in profits. I'm gonna stick with this and learn...
  12. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    Update: I have noticed that my CTR for today is around 0.37% at the moment. this is far lower than expected. I have since created a custom banner using pictures of HOT woman and green text against a black background. here's hoping for an increased CTR. Fingers crossed.
  13. C

    Juicy Ads - Cheating Housewife PPL (US Traffic)

    Update: Feb-12-2013 922 views 4 clicks CTR 0.43% 0 Conversions Feb-11-2013 3,212 views 12 clicks CTR 0.37% 0 Conversions The ad listed a CTR of around 5% on JuicyAds. This is ad dependent of course. My CTR is FAR lower than this.Seems I have to change the banner.
  14. C

    My First PPV Campaign

    Nice case study, but as numerous posters have mentioned, to anyone thinking of using DirectCPV - stay away and use your money on TV or LI. I have blown a couple hundred bucks on DirectCPV traffic.
  15. C

    My First PPV Campaign

    Nice case study, but as numerous posters have mentioned, to anyone thinking of using DirectCPV - stay away and use your money on TV or LI. I have blown a couple hundred bucks on DirectCPV traffic.