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Recent content by jonte

  1. jonte

    What's Happening ? Sales are dead

    I may be in the minority but I've actually had a big increase in ROI whilst also getting cheaper clicks. It depends on your verticals. Streaming, online gaming, forex, crypto, sweeps, utilities, etc. are hot. A lot of people are now working from home and have more free time on the computer and...
  2. jonte

    Thread Deleted in Partnerships Forum?

    Fair enough, I can see why you thought that. Perhaps I didn't word it correctly. It is a partnership in that they provide the traffic and I'll promote affiliate offers to their traffic in in return we will share the revenue between each other.
  3. jonte

    Thread Deleted in Partnerships Forum?

    Hi, My thread that was located on this link: was seemingly deleted without any notification of why. I was looking for website owners with traffic who are looking to monetize their site without using...
  4. jonte

    Anyone else noticed this on push traffic sources?

    That would be interesting actually, let's do it. I have data from a prime example of this that I only tested 2 days ago so it's fresh. PM me mate.
  5. jonte

    Anyone else noticed this on push traffic sources?

    That's what I kept telling myself initially. It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't. However the data doesn't lie. On one source I even kept creating the same campaign over and over and letting each one spend $50-$100 before deleting it and recreating it. The performance was infinitely better...
  6. jonte

    Anyone else noticed this on push traffic sources?

    I've been doing push ads since notifications were first introduced by Google. It was a goldmine at the start but as we all know, it's tougher these days. Competition has increased, users are less likely to click push ads, etc. I accept all of that and adapt as all good affiliate marketers do on...
  7. jonte

    does AdsTerra have a lot of Push volume?

    AdsTerra used to be my top push source for FR traffic. I was spending $X,XXX a day on 1 FR sweeps campaign from April-September last year and getting great ROI. However the only problem was that 90% of that good traffic was from 1 publisher. Sadly that publisher left for whatever reason in...
  8. jonte

    How do you optimise your campaigns?

    Yeah I was looking at something along those lines. There's a library here: jasonzissman/TimeMe.js What I'm planning to do is implement that and then when the user leaves the page I'll execute a postback to my tracking server with the time spent value and click_id. Then for those that leave the...
  9. jonte

    How do you optimise your campaigns?

    No worries mate. Good luck out there! Also if you're working with push traffic, be aware that I have noticed a recent trend of a few push traffic sources sending pop/redirect traffic disguised as push traffic. It can be hard to tell the difference besides possibly LP CTR which is why I've been...
  10. jonte

    How do you optimise your campaigns?

    IF clicks > x AND LP clicks < 1 THEN blacklist placement IF spend > $x AND conversions < 1 THEN blacklist placement IF clicks > x AND LP CTR = 100% THEN blacklist placement IF spend > $x AND CPA < $x THEN increase bid IF spend > $x AND CPA > $x THEN decrease Bid There's a few examples for...
  11. jonte

    Have doubts before starting affiliate marketing

    Are you wanting to do paid traffic or organic? Sounds like you want to do organic and perform SEO on your niche sites. I used to do a bit of that years ago but it's really slow going honestly and you can lose your rank over basically nothing nowadays thus wiping out any further revenue. I...
  12. jonte

    Best resources for learning Natives from scratch?

    I would be skeptical that you could even get an offer with a $0.97 payout and tiny EPC profitable on native. Native is known as one of the more expensive traffic options - generally you would only want to promote higher-payout offers through native. I'd suggest trying CPS offers but keep in mind...
  13. jonte

    Official Relaunched TARGELEON Affiliate Network (CPA, Push notification, Pop)

    Hmmm I just registered. This is a shared platform with AdsCompass? I literally just registered for an AdCompass account 30mins ago with my usual username. Now I just saw your thread and signed up here as well, tried to use the same username but said it was taken already. I chose a different one...
  14. jonte

    which is the best push notification network?

    PropellerAds sucks nowadays because of the new rules they brought in in October or September. You can no longer make creatives with any brand image, anything say "Congratulations" or implying they have won or anything like that. You also can't say that your order is ready, etc. It really limits...
  15. jonte

    Bing ads brings in people from other countries then targeted

    How do you know they are from other countries? Is that information from your tracker or from the Bing dashboard itself? If it's from your tracker then your tracker could be incorrect. Occasionally I have that issue with my tracker for some reason, use an IP lookup service to check if they truly...