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Recent content by revenue20

  1. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Re: Odp: (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA Ciamciaj, I use the rank tracker (free version).
  2. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Re: Odp: (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA Ciamciaj, I use the rank tracker (free version).
  3. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Update 3: Sorry for the delay in updates; I was a bit tied up in creating the other videos and uploading them. I now have a total of 7 videos. The ones I uploaded yesterday haven't started ranking. As for the first video, it is now closing in on top 14 of my target keyword. One thing I realized...
  4. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Update 2: Nothing much to report. Very small change in ranking. From no. 21 to 17. For other related keywords, I am ranking between no. 14-21. Clicks: only 1. I am planning to to upload the other videos while I wait for this one to rank. Talk to you later.
  5. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Abuhanifa, how do I go about social signals? Is it the same as social bookmarks?
  6. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Re: Odp: (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA Thanks for the, i just registered and started collecting credits. I tried to register at Vagex but it seems they have closed membership for now. :( All is not lost though, I just bought a fiverr gig for...
  7. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    A slight correction: I am ranking no 21, not 1 (sorry, it was a typo) :)
  8. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Update 1: I uploaded my video yesterday and today I am ranking no. 1 in youtube for my keyword. No of views: 6 clicks so far: 1 earnings: 0 Today I intend to register for vagex and blast it with some views and likes and then observe how that will affect my rankings. Thank you all for your...
  9. R

    (Live Case Study) How to make money from YuTube and CPA

    Hi guyz, My name is Moses and I intend to make money creating youtube videos and then direct-linking them to CPA offers. To achieve this, I have registered for 2 CPA networks (MaxBonty and Peerfly). I have already done keyword research and found 8 keywords (avg searches per month ranging from...
  10. R

    Who here is educated?

    I did a degree in mechanical but don't see myself looking for a job in that course! Prefer to find my way in the IM community.
  11. R

    Cpafix Review by SeoEymard

    Haha! Great review seoeymard! There is always a first in everything.
  12. R

    Tips for a successful gaming landing page

    Gaming landing page seems a bit out of depth for me. I am still a newbie and trying to wrap my head around the simple stuff first. Anyway, thanks for the report.
  13. R

    PeerFly shirt- my dream!

    Haha, would love to get one too!
  14. R

    Do you exercise?

    For me, walking to and fro town (5 kms in total) is enough exercise! I used to go swimming on weekends but haven't had much time to revisit that.