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Recent content by Shantanu Roy

  1. Shantanu Roy

    How to increase more backlinks to the website?

    Things to do for back-links (no-follow & do-follow) Participate in SEO Forums like this one (not just to get back-links but to share, discuss & learn new techniques of online marketing) Writing articles for popular blogs/websites such as lifehack, 21stcenturywire, whowhatwhy, knowledgenuts...
  2. Shantanu Roy

    How often do you post new content?

    Depends on the kind of blogger you are, if you are looking to monetize your blog then I would suggest get on with it i.e start creating contents on a weekly basis, if you are not looking to invest heavily in blogging but still want to monetize it then you can give some amount of time between...
  3. Shantanu Roy

    Blogger or WordPress

    For beginners to get a handle on blogging, I would suggest going with blogger, its extremely easy and you can get your blog online in a jiffy. However, for more advanced features, you should use wordpress, just take a look at this before starting. The difference between &...
  4. Shantanu Roy

    What should I use for research on my content for my blog ?

    Write whatever your mind/heart says, express yourself, e.g. it can be a travel blog, food blog, bike/car blog, custom pc blog, mobile photography, etc or research competitor's blog, see what they are writing about, do an audit of their site using SEOprofiler, websitegrader, etcand find out from...
  5. Shantanu Roy

    Trusted social media sites

    tumblr blogs are most widely used considering the popularity. Many blogs on tumblr receive huge amount of traffic. delicious is worth the look but I wouldn't consider myspace as the target audience is specifically people from music industry. However, if your niche is music related, myspace is...
  6. Shantanu Roy

    Which is the best ways ti increase more backlinks?

    @Samuel Roy @Sunder Studying your competitors back links through a third party tool like seoprofiler is one good idea on how to proceed with link building. Remember not to waste time with low PR directory submissions, unnecessary (low PR) social bookmarkings, article submissions and other...
  7. Shantanu Roy

    How generate more traffic to the website?

    Try publishing new content (with infographics) to popular websites such as lifehack, whowhatwhy, quicksprout, socialmediatoday, etc and get do-follow or no-follow back links for your website. These sites have an extremely high LIS Score i.e Link Influence Score of 97-99% and hence the back link...
  8. Shantanu Roy

    In On page and Off page Optimization, which one is more powerful?

    It is not meaningless, most users here are to share and discuss what they know. You replying here is meaningless because I did nothing wrong.
  9. Shantanu Roy

    Which is the best social media network for marketing/promotion?

    Facebook for everything. Twitter for immediate interaction with fans/followers, etc. Instagram for short videos, photos, etc LinkedIn strictly for professional i.e clients,profile,etc. Google+ because google makes it compulsory.
  10. Shantanu Roy

    In On page and Off page Optimization, which one is more powerful?

    Both are very important. I'd say on-page is more because if you have the best on-page, off-page SEO would be easy. Off-page comes into effect after on-page optimization, this helps you promote your website in simple words.
  11. Shantanu Roy

    On page seo and on site seo

    As far as I know there aren't any differences between on-page & on-site SEO, what I could guess is that, on-site seo refers to local seo instead of outsourcing it to another region(country, city, etc), I don't know if this is correct.
  12. Shantanu Roy


    Yes, signature links are important because they provide you with important back links
  13. Shantanu Roy

    Best way for guest posting ?

    Just search your query on google, find interested blogs, star guest posting (preferably don't do it anonymously) this way the post would be appreciated by the authors.
  14. Shantanu Roy

    which one is your favourite blog platform?

    Blogger for simpler things in life. Wordpress for proper blogging & possible monetisation. Others, I dunno much 'bout it.
  15. Shantanu Roy

    How many Directory Submission is required per day?

    To be on the safe side, do only 2 directory submissions per day along with other activities like forums, blog posts, social bookmarking. Instead of generating lots of back links, create just 10-15 quality links each day, this should be good enough (given your content rocks).