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  • Users: T J Tutor
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  1. T J Tutor

    Official test

    T J Tutor submitted a new resource: test - test Read more about this resource...
  2. T J Tutor

    Posting AI Content Shuts Down Clickbait King

    I received the following email from Originality AI today. This is another verification of everything I have said abut using AI for your content creation. PAY ATTENTION! This is copyrighted content owned and distributed by Originality AI and is placed here only as a teaching reference...
  3. T J Tutor

    tj mail

    T J Tutor submitted a new resource: tj mail - i am testing tags Read more about this resource...
  4. T J Tutor

    Official tj test

    T J Tutor submitted a new resource: tj test - i am testing tags Read more about this resource...
  5. T J Tutor

    AI News Googles March 2024 Update - Biggest Update Since 2022

    I received an interesting email from this morning. This month, March 2024, Google launched its biggest update in two years. As a result, as is often the case, many websites saw huge loss in traffic for a couple of primary reasons. First, one of Google's primary updates in the...
  6. T J Tutor

    Google - Two Big Updates in October and November

    Google did it again and without warning this time. Scheduled for after the holidays, the Big "G" did them now! They did two big updates in October and again in November. They did this now as we head into the busiest buying and selling time of the year. These two updates may cause your sites a...
  7. T J Tutor

    AI News Facebook will use AI

    Check this out posted by OwnerAffiliate. Facebook will use AI to block fake accounts
  8. T J Tutor

    Who Is Using "AMP" Emails?

    I have a couple of email upgrades available and I think I'll be adding AMP to my platforms. Most of the bigger, et al, email platforms are offering AMP now. It really is pretty cool. I'll be playing around with it over the next month as we get AMP integrated here at AffiliateFix as well as on...
  9. T J Tutor

    Official Vendor Resource Requirements & Instructions

    Download the attached "Vendor Resource Requirements & Instructions" pdf.
  10. T J Tutor

    Official Vendor Contest Invitation

    CALLING ALL VENDORS CONTESTS CONTESTS CONTESTS SHOUTOUT TO ALL OUR VENDORS Bring Your Contests to OUR NEW CONTESTS FORUM We are launching our contest forum today. Only registered vendors/businesses in our resources area are permitted. That’s quite a list. BRING YOUR CONTESTS Bring your...
  11. T J Tutor

    Official Posting Contests Rules

    Policies For Posting Contests All contests are to provided by registered businesses in our resources or by AffiliateFix. All contests must be available to all members of AffiliateFix. All contest elements, updates, and instructions must be posted in full in your contest announcement here. All...
  12. T J Tutor

    Official Forum Rules

    Forum Rules. Do Not SPAM the forums. Do not attempt to solicit or recruit members by posting on their profile pages. Do not recruit or solicit members through personal messaging. Do not solicit or recruit members in any way unless you are an approved vendor here. Referral Links ARE allowed but...
  13. T J Tutor

    AI News 58% believe AI-generated content will be penalized by search engines.

    Interesting Article by Ray Schultz Content Producers Say AI Tools Will Replace Writers "Content marketers predict that AI writing tools will replace live writers, according to 2023 Content Marketing and Generative AI Outlook, a study by BMV." As AI chatbots are integrated into search, content...
  14. T J Tutor

    Gold Everyone Has To Start Somewhere

    Everyone has to start somewhere. Be active in this community, ask loads of questions, take action, and be committed. That's how it gets done! Use this forum as a mentor. It's full of members at every level of experience which makes for many balanced perspectives for a Newbie to learn from. Take...
  15. T J Tutor

    Official AI Prompts to Share

    Let's build our prompts lists here for everyone to use. Many marketers are falling into the rut of trying to sell them. I feel that every promot I can produce for our industry should be shared. I'll be adding to the lists here every chance I get. T J
  16. T J Tutor

    AI Event Marketing AI Conference

    Marketing AI Conference July 26-28, 2023 Cleveland, Ohio Has anyone been to their previous conferences? They have not yet published greater details of the upcoming conference yet and we'll bring all of that as soon as it gets published.
  17. T J Tutor

    AI News Copyright Guidance Gives Content Marketers an Easy Decision on AI vs. Human Content

    By CONTENT MARKETING INSTITUTE TEAM published APRIL 7, 2023 (Excerpt) News for short-term content marketing strategies came from guidance issued by the U.S. Copyright Office. It clarifies what constitutes ownable content – the work must be created by a human (as has always been the case.) Thus...
  18. T J Tutor

    Originality AI

    Per OriginalityAI 03/31/2023 We are excited to announce that our AI team has been working hard to train and validate an updated AI that can detect GPT-4, while also reducing false positives. With the increased complexity of GPT-4 generated content, outdated AI detection tools will not be up...
  19. T J Tutor


    "Per Originality AI" Built With Serious Web Publishers In Mind And Not For Academia. I have been experimenting with the Originality AI and have found it to very reliable t detecting AI content and plagiarism. I'll be updating this thread going forward with my experiences.
  20. T J Tutor

    Official AI Forum Rules

    Forum Rules. Do Not SPAM the forums. Do not attempt to solicit or recruit members by posting on their profile pages. Do not recruit or solicit members through personal messaging. Do not solicit or recruit members in any way unless you are an approved vendor here. Referral Links ARE allowed but...