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  1. D

    wat is buyed traffic

    Clearly a troll post - don't feed the trolls u guize!
  2. D

    Just a rant...i guess

    I see your rant and reraise you with my own. I think the real onus falls on the network for not being in control of their affiliates. Lack of knowledge/experience in managing affiliates is also a big factor, if you don't know how these affiliates promote your advertisers campaigns how can you...
  3. D

    Pixel Fires for 25+ users only. (help)

    Send traffic as you normally would to the offer. All this means is the advertiser will simply ignore any CPA/CPL generated if the users are under 25. For example you send 100 leads to Offer X - Female 25+ Only and 90 of the leads are 23 year olds - you will only get paid for the 10 that are...
  4. D

    Looking for Pay Per Install Affiliate Network

    W3i has a few solutions for you
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    What CPA network has alot of international offers?

    I'd recommend, they work with some really great advertisers internationally. are also good!
  6. D

    What's your favourite website and why?

    AKINATOR!!!!!! fun for the first 5 times, then the magic wears off - but i'm telling you man, those first 5 times, MIND = BLOWN!
  7. D

    To Get a Part Time Job or Not?

    Getting a job is the utlimate solution if you are starting out online, in fact get several - unless you really hit your stride with generating free traffic, you are just wasting your own time if you are spending all day trying to make +>$50 . Many people will disagree but life is short dude, put...
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    [AVOID] Arviate - Scammers

    Have a nice day.
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    [AVOID] Arviate - Scammers

    I'll try keep this brief, my only intention is to get a $3000 prepayment back from Arviate - i'm sure they have their own reasons for how they've handled the situation, maybe inexperience, negligence or just being disrespectful. However, if someone can help me get the issue resolved, i'll chalk...
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    AdWork Media

  12. D

    [cpafix - free 'six' part guide/gift] no cost, signups or optins!!!!!!

    Re: [cpafix - free 'six' part guide/gift] no cost, signups or optins!! Many thanks for the kind comments! The website for these as well as the guides themselves are up for grabs here. I don't have time to focus on building a website so check out this post for a really good opportunity! ...
  13. D

    Selling + 7 Part Guide! [Reason No Time For The Project]

    Re: + 7 Part Guide! [Reason No Time For The Proj $50 isn't the lowest bid so far but it's far from the highest ;) I left glispa but I stayed in Germany, felt like I wanted to stay on an adventure - so far it's been interesting! I'm partnered up with a few things right now...
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    Selling + 7 Part Guide! [Reason No Time For The Project]

    Re: + 7 Part Guide! [Reason No Time For The Proj I'm here, alive and well - I actually never left Germany, I haven't come back to London yet once which i'm also sorry we missed each other for at AT, I saw you had a ridiculously good time though - are you going to ASW...
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    Selling + 7 Part Guide! [Reason No Time For The Project]

    My website ( I invested money and hundreds of hours into is FOR SALE AT A LOW PRICE! CURRENTLY HAS SEVERAL OFFERS TO BE BOUGHT... - I wanted to offer the CPAFIX community the chance to pick it up too! (HURRY!) :) HOW MUCH IS IT? HOW CAN I BUY IT?: It's open to ANYONE and...
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    [cpafix - free 'six' part guide/gift] no cost, signups or optins!!!!!!

    Re: [cpafix - free 'six' part guide/gift] no cost, signups or optins!! Thanks K - it's going to a good home ;) RELEASING PART 7 SHORTLY! < Containing money making ideas!
  17. D

    [cpafix - free 'six' part guide/gift] no cost, signups or optins!!!!!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I spent several months writing content and building a series of very EXTENSIVE guides aimed at helping affiliates. The original plan was to sell this series for a reasonable price point of $25, I had affiliates ready to start pumping it out to their lists and I anticipated...
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    Loking for partner

    I will lay down another axe to this already dieing thread and lean towards what other members are saying, this sounds like a terrible opportunity. You stated that your only experience in PoF stems from reading a few blog posts, your other experience with a paid traffic source (7search) ended...
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    How did you find us?

    I found your site whilst searching for "Dog training guide".. hooked ever since, although I will admit i'm a little sad that there isn't much content about dogs...
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    [mom makes $6632 p/day - CLICK HERE NOW] Introduction from David Hall

    Re: [mom makes $6632 p/day - CLICK HERE NOW] Introduction from David H We can all learn from one another. Don't dismiss your abilities friend, I will learn things from you! Many thanks for the welcome - I will try make myself visible as much as possible! Answer these questions rhetorically...