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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. T

    How much money does a beginner need to invest for a good start in affiliate marketing in 2021?

    Please tell me the real numbers you started with and which led you to success in 2021
  2. B

    How much budget i needed to run facebook ads.

    I want to run one CPA and CPI offer on facebook ads, so my question is how much budget is required to get good conversion. Also suggest which is model is help me to get good conversions.
  3. IM_Newbie

    [BUDGET] Must Have Marketing Tools

    Hi there fellas. Im wondering about what is everybody MUST-HAVE marketing tools list that covers everything from keyword research, competitive analysis, competitor analysis, all about SEO, social media management, ltracking, VPNs, proxies, etc., everything you need in order to profit from this...
  4. Luis Oscar Cruz

    PopAds games category: what type of offer can I use to find SiteID sub-niches, then target each one?

    Hello everyone! I have 2 questions. About the first one: - I would like to do a seed campaign in PopAds targeting the games category to then research the SiteIDs, find the sub-niches I find (arcade, gambling, casino, etc.). Then do a campaign for arcade, one for gambling, and one for casino...
  5. Anthony Little

    What is a Good budget

    Is there a good budget to start as far running ads etc. If so What is the good budget to start with as a beginner.
  6. T

    Beginner's/Newbie Dilemma

    I've read countless blogs, followed a few "super" affiliates and essentially soaked up as much knowledge as I possibly could over the past year. (You can never stop learning, right?) The truth is no matter how much you read, you will never succeed if you're not taking action. It's common sense...
  7. Rahal Nejraoui

    Minimum budget

    Hey guys quick question what is the minimum budget to start a campaign, I'm just 18 years old and I don't have money, So I'm willing to save some.
  8. moneydrop2021

    Question: Setting Up Budget for PPC campaign On Bing

    I am currently in the process of setting up a PPC campaign plan, so I don't waste too much money. Is there a thread on this site that shows the formula on how to cut off campaign or continue campaign based on total clicks, budget, commissions, CTR, and CR for PPC especially on Bing?
  9. E


    Hi guys i want to ask you some question about cpa for newbie i didn't make any campaign yet i wonder if you can help me or suggest to me some ideas to start to start with i have no budget that's the big problem for me i have just 100$ you can suggest to me anything cheers!
  10. CashflowChase

    For the lower budget people .

    I am a college student so not all college students are financially stable most probably in debt. I recently wanted to start a $50 dollar Mobile test run. Unfortunately other things take place in our lives were we have to wait. So I'm doing it that hard way. I have one of giftcard app and...
  11. CashflowChase

    What to follow for newbies?

    I was wondering if someone could layout the steps for me I have already been accepted in a affiliate and mobile network. I am a member of cheetah media link which offers mobile offerings. Do I build a mobile landing page, and what would my platform be? I have the tools to get an already made...