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Guide 39 Must-Know Affiliate Marketing Terms for Success


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In this article, we've compiled a list of 39 of the most important affiliate marketing terms and phrases that every marketer should know.


Affiliate marketing is a lucrative industry that has become increasingly popular in recent years. To succeed in this competitive field, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the terminology and jargon that's commonly used. In this article, we've compiled a list of 39 of the most important affiliate marketing terms and phrases that every marketer should know. From "conversion rate" to "white label", we've got you covered with detailed definitions and explanations for each term. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or you're just starting out, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the world of affiliate marketing and stay ahead of the competition. Let’s go!

TOP 39 terms you need to know​

Here are 39 terms and jargon words and phrases along with their explanations each affiliate marketer should know:

1. Attribution: The process of determining which affiliate should receive credit for a sale or conversion.

2. Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on an affiliate link after being presented with it.

3. Commission: The percentage or flat fee paid to the affiliate for each sale generated through their promotion of a merchant's product or service.

4. Conversion: The process of turning a website visitor into a customer or lead, usually through the completion of a desired action, such as a purchase or a for submission.

5. Conversion rate: The percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, after clicking on an affiliate link.

6. Cookie: A small file stored on a user's computer that tracks their activity and allows affiliates to earn commissions on sales made within a certain time frame.

7. Cookie lifetime: The amount of time that a cookie remains on a user's device and tracks their activity for commission purposes.

8. Cost per action (CPA): An affiliate marketing payment model in which the affiliate earns a commission when a specific action is taken, such as filling out a form or subscribing to a newsletter.
9. Cost per click (CPC): An affiliate marketing payment model in which the affiliate earns a commission for each click on their affiliate link.

10. Cost per thousand (CPM): An affiliate marketing payment model in which the affiliate earns a commission for every thousand impressions of their affiliate link.

11. Coupon affiliate: An affiliate who promotes coupon codes or discounts for a particular merchant's products or services.

12. Deep linking: The practice of linking to a specific page or product on a merchant's website, rather than just the homepage.

13. Direct linking: The practice of linking directly to a merchant's website from an ad or affiliate link.

14. Earnings per click (EPC): The average amount earned by the affiliate per click on their affiliate link.

15. Earnings per sale (EPS): The average amount earned by an affiliate for each sale generated through their promotions.

16. Impression: A view of an advertisement or affiliate link, usually measured in thousands (CPM).

17. Incentivized traffic: Traffic that is incentivized, such as by offering rewards or bonuses, for clicking on an affiliate link or completing a desired action.

18. Lead: A potential customer who has shown interest in a product or service, usually by submitting their contact information.

19. Lead generation: The process of generating leads for a merchant's products or services through affiliate promotions.

20. Link cloaking: The practice of disguising an affiliate link to make it appear as a regular link, often to improve click-through rates.

21. Merchant: The company that sells the product or service being promoted by the affiliate.

22. Multi-level marketing (MLM): A marketing model in which affiliates are incentivized to recruit other affiliates, who in turn recruit more affiliates.

23. One-click upsell: The process of offering a complementary or upgraded product or service after a user has made a purchase through an affiliate link.

24. Payment threshold: The minimum amount an affiliate must earn before receiving payment from an affiliate program.

25. Pay per lead (PPL): An affiliate marketing payment model in which the affiliate earns a commission when a lead is generated, such as when a user fills out a form.

26. Pay per sale (PPS): An affiliate marketing payment model in which the affiliate earns a commission when a sale is made through their affiliate link.

27. Performance bonus: An additional bonus paid to affiliates who meet certain performance metrics, such as reaching a specific number of sales.

28. Performance marketing: A type of marketing that focuses on driving specific actions, such as sales or leads, rather than just generating traffic.

29. Pixel tracking: A tracking method that uses a small, transparent image to track user activity and performance.

30. Reciprocal linking: The practice of exchanging affiliate links with other affiliates or websites to drive traffic and improve search engine rankings.

31. Recurring commission: A commission paid to the affiliate on a recurring basis, such as a monthly subscription.

32. Rev-share: Revenue share is a payment model in which the affiliate earns a percentage of the revenue generated by the merchant through their promotion of the merchant's product or service.

33. Tracking pixel: A small piece of code that allows affiliates to track the performance of their promotions, including clicks, conversions, and sales.

34. Two-tier affiliate program: An affiliate program that allows affiliates to earn commissions not only for their own sales but also for sales generated by affiliates they refer to the program.

35. Upsell: The process of offering a more expensive or upgraded product or service after a user has made a purchase through an affiliate link.

36. Verticals: Specific categories or niches in affiliate marketing, such as beauty, fashion, or technology.

37. White label: A product or service that is produced by one company but branded and sold by another company as their own.

38. Zero-click traffic: Traffic that results in a conversion without the user having to click on an affiliate link, often through direct navigation or organic search.


Affiliate marketing is a complex and competitive field that requires a solid understanding of the terminology and jargon used by industry professionals. Whether you're new to affiliate marketing or you're a seasoned veteran, it's essential to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the industry. That's why we've compiled a list of 39 essential affiliate marketing terms and phrases that every marketer should know. So if you're looking to take your affiliate marketing efforts to the next level, make sure you have saved this list and feel free to refer to it at any time.

The main goal of the article was to provide you with TOP 39 terms you should know when working with affiliate marketing and we are missing one more, right?

39. Success: Success is a choice.

Make your choice, make it smart -
