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Ads per campaign?


New Member
Hello KJ,

1.How many ads per campaign do you typically run?

2.If you are running 3-4 campaigns per month, are these new campaigns in addition to your existing campaigns?

3.Do you have multiple offers for each campaign?

4.What is the life expectancy or duration of your average campaign?

5.Are there any benchmarks or thresholds you use to scrap a campaign other than it is losing money?

1.How many ads per campaign do you typically run?

I usually run three landers in a campaign and split test them also around 3 offers to split test from different networks could be same offer from different networks.

2.If you are running 3-4 campaigns per month, are these new campaigns in addition to your existing campaigns?
Yes most of times

3.Do you have multiple offers for each campaign?

I always split test different offers no matter even if its same from different networks

4.What is the life expectancy or duration of your average campaign?
Well it depends on niches as well as other factors the common niches usually die earlier as most of times there are other people ripping off your campaigns etc i have seen days when i lost my successful campaigns and my landing pages distributed all over spying sites etc usually in these cases no one makes money nor those who steal your lander and campaign data nor you as they dont have data and your landers and angle gets saturated m however there are a few campaigns which long last specially from those niches which people usually avoid ...

5.Are there any benchmarks or thresholds you use to scrap a campaign other than it is losing money?

Not really anything in green is making money ;)