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ClickMagick SAID THIS to me...


Active Member
Hey, so I tried to sign up for ClickMagick today and after the registration, I was asked for verification and I was like what the hell for 2-3 seconds as I have never seen anyone asking for verification ID photo and credit card photo for TRIAL period. It said in the message that due to red flags I need to show photo ID proof and card photo for operating during the trial period. I thought there must be something wrong as I have never seen anyone asking for IDs and card photo for TRIAL period so I created another account with a different email back to back as I thought something went wrong during a simple registration.

And it was the same thing. Asked for verification again so I contacted them and told them if it was real for being asked for ID during trial period and they said yes so I instantly sent my photo and card photo and they activated the account. A couple of minutes later I got an email that they only allow 1 trial per 1 person and I need to right now so I contacted them saying everything from start to finish about what the confusion was and I had no bad intention. I even told them that they check their system logs and see that I could not even use 0.001% of their service and not even 1 sec out of trial period. I also said that couple days ago I tried to create another account but my internet went off and I couldnt process the final step in the registration page but somehow that account was could also be taken. I told them everything - the date, the time, the emails and still they told me I am not a serious marketer. I asked them what they would have done if they were in my shoe on the confusion of asking for verification IDs and card photo during TRIAL period? And they said they cant have me as customer. I told them if I can directly buy a subscription by skipping the trial and they still said NO.

Here are the email screenshots:
Screenshot -

So, tell me was I wrong when I clearly told them everything?

A confusion and they claimed me to be a non-serious marketer. I really hope that ClickMagick is worth millions and millions of dollars as they can easily judge and claim someone on the basis of a simple confusion which I told them multiple times. How long are they in the business tho? 10 years? 20 years?

PS: If this is the wrong sub-forum category to post, kindly move it to the appropriate one.
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ClickMagick is on our vendors list but they haven't been around since 2016. I will try emailing them for you, see what they say.
ClickMagick is on our vendors list but they haven't been around since 2016. I will try emailing them for you, see what they say.
azgold I don't know since how long they are into this biz but WHOis says 2014 and they claim their founder doing 20m in revenue online prior launching. The crew said I am not a legitimate and serious marketer despite me telling everything in detail step by step and not being able to use 0.001% and even 1 sec out of the trial period. They could have easily seen everything in their system logs. Weird world we live in.

I really hope they stay around for eternity OR at least up to that time when I am able to show them some real attitude with success. I star marked that email and placed this in my To-Do-List :)
I have sent the company (not the rep) a message, so hopefully, someone will be able to pop in here and talk to you about it.
Their home page strikes me as a oversell with an overlong page scroll. Interesting though, they are constantly screaming

Their home page strikes me as a oversell with an overlong page scroll. Interesting though, they are constantly screaming

Yes and surprisingly many sites and people recommends clickmagick. Almost every cpa offer video on Youtube has been done using Clickmagick.
How much is it per month? Maybe you will have to pay for 1 month's trial? Would you?

Starter Plan

per month

Up to 10,000 clicks /mo.

All Core Features

Tip: use a prepaid card that they cannot rebill without you adding money to the card -- if you are happy with the SaaS (platform) then provide a regular bank card and buy a 1 year subscription
They dont want me as a customer lol. All is there in the screenshot. :p
How much is it per month? Maybe you will have to pay for 1 month's trial? Would you?

Starter Plan

per month

Up to 10,000 clicks /mo.

All Core Features

Tip: use a prepaid card that they cannot rebill without you adding money to the card -- if you are happy with the SaaS (platform) then provide a regular bank card and buy a 1 year subscription
Hey there @thehustler

We'd love to have you give ThriveTracker a shot! 30-day free trial, instant access to a cloud account in your name, and none of that ugly back and forth. I'm sorry to hear that you were literally PUSHED AWAY from being a customer, but that won't happen here with us.

We'll be here in case you're interested in giving it a go, and I can promise you none of that hoopla!

HAHA I just looked
"unfortunately the decision is final"

Seems like they are being trivial and that bottom-scraper is just following "company policy"
Suspicious activity without any explanation due to security reasons -- is a stock answer.

Nice customer relations effort :p

UX (user experience ) = .01 FAIL ... move on ...

The day before yesterday I sent a last email to ClickMagick clearly explaining the situation in the hope that a mature person would look into the matter because quite frankly support agents are bit of hotheads and this goes for every service online and offline lol. And I did not get reply from them against that email.

Yesterday, I received this email who claims to be the "account manager" at clickmagick. He wanted my photo ID and login details and he would give me an additional 1 month free premium extra after the trial. I was like okay finally a mature person understood but as I was about to send my photo ID and details, I saw a thing that said - Wait dude, think about it. It was the email that he used to send me that email. He used a personal Gmail address.

I thought how can a staff of a company deal with an issue/thing related to the company from a personal gmail? I asked him why is he not using his company's domain as email address and using a personal gmail address and he said he is in overseas for business (He is Indian) and their ticket system does not allow foreign IP address into their system and hence he was not able to use his company domain email address like for example -

Here is the entire email screenshot -

I still didn't give him the photo ID proof but I do think he is 80% LEGIT and is really a clickmagick staff but 20% of me says he is a scam/spam lol.

What do you think?

@azgold @Graybeard