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Ask Me Anything Facebook and mobile subscriptions: talk with media buyers


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ADLEADPRO - CPA network with 5k+ in-House & Exclusive mVas, SWEEPSTAKES, NUTRA, CPI, FINANCE offers

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As we are monitoring how publishers work with mobile subscriptions in ADLEADPRO, we can’t help but be curious as to how every different source works for them, any special tricks they have to use to get that profit everyone is dreaming of. Internal buying team at Adskill has shown great results working with mobile subscriptions with the help of Facebook, TikTok, Google, Bigo. As we know for a fact this team has great expertise in this sphere, we couldn’t help but ask them for a chat to see if we can learn some new tips for our publishers.

Today we’ll be talking about Facebook, but if you want to learn about other sources as well, let us know in the comments below.

Mobile subscriptions and Facebook today​

So, tell us a bit about how you feel working with Facebook as media buyers and if it's a good source for a newbie to try now?

There are obviously some difficulties when it comes to working with Facebook, and you should always look for ways to work with many different platforms. But Facebook takes up to 50% of all of our traffic and it’s our main source. When it comes to newbies and their first source of traffic as Facebook - we’d say ‘go for it’, but be wary of the offer and the sphere.

Why do you work with mVas offers? Is it because Facebook is more tolerant towards white-hat verticals? By the way, how long can a subscriptions’ offer live for?

mVas’s great advantage is that you can work with subscriptions with virtually any source of traffic, the most important part is the offer’s genre and your approach to creatives. Simple new creatives (not the ones that you just download from a spy tool) can prolong the life of an offer significantly.

Obviously, Facebook is way more accepting of white-hat offers, than gray ones. Bans can hit either way, but it’s easier to get out of it if the offer is white. So, it’s not only about living longer, it’s about this chance that you get to revive them.

* Adskill media buying team works with FB through ad agent accounts. You can test them yourself, just message our managers.

What offers do you prefer? Are there any specific categories that work best for you?

We’re trying to find a happy middle between the category of the offer and the mobile app we use for it. Which means we mostly deal with games or some types of services.

We have lots of mVas offers. Thousands, even. How do you choose between all of this? What do you take into consideration? What doesn’t work with Facebook no matter how hard you might try?

If we talk about apps, then we need a well working app which also gives an opportunity to use some of its features without getting a subscription. And the creatives for it should correspond to the app’s functionality.

If we talk about some courses’ subscriptions or some other format, the main thing is to avoid breaching the policy. It means, you need to make it seem white-hat to Facebook.

What is your average ROI when it comes to subscriptions and Facebook? For example, in verticals like gambling the payout rates are so high, they can cover all the expenses for the campaign? How do you calculate everything with mVas?

It all depends on your funnel. Sometimes you can get 70% ROI, other times - 200%. But usually, it’s somewhere in between.

What GEOs are popular now? How are Tier-1 countries performing? People say, mVas converts better in Asia and MENA, is it true?

Tier-1 works great, especially GB, SE, DK, CA. If we talk about Asia, it’s usually ID. For MENA: KW, AE, IQ, EG, SA.


How do you work with Facebook in 2022​

Let’s talk a bit more about how you work with Facebook nowadays. We’ll start with the setup. What can you recommend for mVas?

It’s much easier for us than for some other media buyers. Adskill is after all an advertising agency, which means we have a signed agreement with Facebook that gets us agent ad accounts. We use only them, and we only work with white-hat. You can always ask and ADLEADPRO manager for accounts, we have a great partner deal.

Can you tell us why agent accounts are better? How do you deposit money? What are daily spendings? Do campaigns get banned? What are the terms for getting them? What percentage of white-hat should you have?

You won’t need to be searching for fan pages, accounts, cards, even social media profiles (we can supply everything per request). Agent ad accounts don’t have any daily limits, so you also save time while working on your account. Campaigns can get banned, because the algorithms continue to evolve. But we always keep up with the latest developments and find ways to set up your offers.

There is no real percentage for white-hat traffic, we always help to make it more legit if we can. To get an account we’ll need to approve your offer and promo materials.

If your ad account gets banned, is it possible to get your money back? How can you get an agent account, by the way? Do you need to have some specific volume or are they available to newbies as well?

Since we draw money from our line of credit, we can always withdraw them and send them to a new account. Our starting budget is 1000 Euro.

What approach to creatives do you use? Do you make them yourselves? Can you give us some well-working creatives for Facebook?

Yes, we absolutely do. Our creative team now has lots of experience in making the most fitting and converting creatives.



Great. What about a pre-landing page, do we need one?

We have our own app development team, so 99% of our campaigns go through webview. Which means we don’t use pre-landing pages.


An example of an app for mVas. Click here.

What budget for an ad set or a group should you set? How much do you spend on a test of one creative?

Everything depends basically on the OS: if we work with iOS, then it’s $20 per an ad set. In general, you’ll need several dollars to test a creative. If we work with Android apps, then we can work with AAA and set a general budget at $200 per day and use the maximum number of creatives.

Facebook doesn’t have targeting per operators. What do you do with irrelevant traffic?

We pass over the events and optimize according to them, so the system itself searches for the most relevant traffic. We also experiment with offers and follow what works better with which type of traffic.

Do you work with installs or conversions?

Depends on the OS: with iOS - installs, with Android - conversions.

Any common mistakes that might trigger Facebook when working with subscriptions?

From experience we know that Facebook doesn’t like irrelevant creatives. Your own creatives relevant to the offer solve if not all, but at least half of any arising problems. Don’t forget about the importance of fan pages. You need to fill in as much information as possible and make sure that the info is relevant to the landing page. It’s also a good practice if you try posting on fan pages throughout the whole ad campaign.

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