Hi Christina! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions, it's an inspiration to see how to give back to the community, and maybe an even bigger inspiration to all the other girls out there (since AM still is bit of a mens field).
Question: I've been trying for several months to get a CPA campaign profitable on a second and third FB Ad account, and it's terrible. The unicorn account is giving me 350% ROI, and when I copy the winning ads, winning audience to the other accounts, I get a much lower "recommended" cpc, and even if I set it to automatic; the cpc remains much lower.
You'd say that's usually great, and I am getting way more clicks than on my ROI-making account, but literally NONE of the clicks is converting. Is there more to copying winning campaign "settings" to a new (but well warmed up) facebook ad account, that I'm missing here?
So far I've copied: demographic, language, interests & highest CTR ads.
And yes, I've checked to tick off just Desktop Newsfeed (mobile & insta is off).
Question: I've been trying for several months to get a CPA campaign profitable on a second and third FB Ad account, and it's terrible. The unicorn account is giving me 350% ROI, and when I copy the winning ads, winning audience to the other accounts, I get a much lower "recommended" cpc, and even if I set it to automatic; the cpc remains much lower.
You'd say that's usually great, and I am getting way more clicks than on my ROI-making account, but literally NONE of the clicks is converting. Is there more to copying winning campaign "settings" to a new (but well warmed up) facebook ad account, that I'm missing here?
So far I've copied: demographic, language, interests & highest CTR ads.
And yes, I've checked to tick off just Desktop Newsfeed (mobile & insta is off).