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For example if I want to point particularly to the 'Follow Alongs', then the link appears "only" as 'Affiliate Marketing Forum...', @T J Tutor.

But if I wanna point e.g. particularly to the 'Case Studies', then the internal link unfortunately appears also only as 'Affiliate Marketing Forum...'

I noticed this small, tiny "bug" today, when I replied to this introduction:
Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix , and you can see it therein, see post #2: All the 3 different subforums and all internal links still have unfortunately the same link-name, namely 'Affiliate Marketing Forum...'

This could be a bit misleading, especially for newbies.

I still don't get it, maybe I'm being a little thick headed today. I do have a cold. However, when I copy and paste a forum link, they appear as I copied them. e.g.
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

All I did was swipe them and copy them and then paste them.

What do you mean by "internal link" by the way?
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Actually, it does that for me, too. No forum names, they all display the same as Marc said.

Are swiping the forum title on the home page, right clicking and doing a simple copy, and then doing a simple paste?

Try it an paste it here.
Exactly as it appears when I swipe, copy, and paste.

Oh, cripes! My bad, sorry TJ. I right clicked and copied/pasted the link location in that first one. Didn't highlight and copy the forum title, just the forum title link.

That was auto-pilot since it worked that way before.

Here it is with with copying the title text:

Pay Per Click

Same as you got.

I'll have to change that habit.

Okay boys, let's simmer down. We're all on the same team here. I love you all and don't like seeing you fight.

Okay again. Here is what I think is happening:

Copy/paste (highlight and copy) entire forum name = Introductions

Right click on forum name (like we always did before) and copy link location only, no highlighting and copying of text = Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

Hope that helps a little.
Okay boys, let's simmer down. We're all on the same team here. I love you all and don't like seeing you fight.

Okay again. Here is what I think is happening:

Copy/paste (highlight and copy) entire forum name = Introductions

Right click on forum name (like we always did before) and copy link location only, no highlighting and copying of text = Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

Hope that helps a little.

Exactly. Thank you replicating my results. This is what I have instructed everyone to do from the beginning. Swipe and copy. This is why there are different results. Swipe and copy gets you what you want.