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Now Recruiting! Nationally Acclaimed Identity Theft Software & PC Security Products!



Over 36 Million American consumers have fallen victim to Identity Theft!

A typical Identity Theft case can take hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to resolve.

In 2005 alone, nearly 50 million more American consumers have already been exposed to risk of Identity Theft through massive data and security breaches at major financial institutions, data warehouses, colleges and universities, and businesses.

Join our Share-A-Sale affiliate program today and receive generous 25% commissions by offering your customers, clients, and visitors a powerful Identity Theft risk management and resolution assistance program - without any monthly fees or charges for "services" that they can easily do themselves! This is a nationally acclaimed product - read the comments below. It is NOT MLM, pre-paid, or other such fee-based "services" or "programs". This is true guided risk management and resolution assistance that every consumer should have and can easily afford!

Other powerful security and risk management software programs are also available, including revolutionary new anti-spyware / anti-malware technology, email tracking, and more!


About Global Fraud Solutions:
A Utah-based company, GFS was founded in 2002 by former law enforcement officers and financial fraud investigators from both the public and private sectors. Combining extensive collective experience, the founders recognized that Identity Theft would only continue to proliferate exponentially if consumers are not provided with effective tools and information to educate themselves and to be proactive in their own protections, while also providing officers and investigators with organized and actionable information.

About CasePlanner Software: (patent-pending)
Designed by former law enforcement officers and experienced fraud investigators, CasePlanner is not a simple "self-help" program. Rather, CasePlanner is a nationally acclaimed robust, multi-purpose, comprehensive risk management and resolution system to educate and assist consumers in proactively reducing their risk, and documenting, reporting, and resolving their case efficiently and effectively. It removes the uncertainty, and enables the user to provide concise, actionable information for investigators. The normal purchase price is $39.95, with free content updates and no renewal fees for as long as the consumer owns the software.

A typical Identity Theft case can cost hundreds to even thousands of dollars to resolve, and those companies offering ?assistance programs? charge between $10 and $20 per month to perform tasks that an informed consumer can and should do themselves. CasePlanner software provides expert, guided assistance and is endorsed, offered by, recommended, or used by law enforcement agencies, consumer organizations, trade associations, and other entities across the nation, including such prestigious organizations as:

The Identity Theft Resource Center
The Institute of Consumer Financial Education
The National Notary Association
The Utah State Bar

The software has frequently appeared in Police Chief magazine as well as Fraud International and Law Enforcement Technology News.

It is easy and intuitive to use, with instructions and guidance provided in plain English. No other Identity Theft product or service carries CasePlanner's impressive credentials.

Read what others have to say about CasePlanner:

?Global Fraud Solutions' CasePlanner consumer software is a powerful tool in the fight against Identity Theft. It provides expert, detailed guidance and risk management tools to enable consumers to reduce their risk of being victimized. If you are a victim, CasePlanner provides you with the most comprehensive assistance product available to organize, track, report, and resolve your case... - all without any monthly fees."
- Jay Foley, Co-Executive Director
Identity Theft Resource Center

?The proverbial tangled web of deception is frighteningly manifested in each case of identity theft. The enormity of effort required to undo it is enough for 75 percent of the victims to throw up their hands in disgust and give up, until CasePlanner?. First, there are no monthly fees. Second, it is so comprehensive that users who are victims are assured of a faster, more complete identity and credit recovery. And third, concerned consumers who want to guard against identity theft and prevent it from happening as much as possible will find CasePlanner? to be an enormous advantage.?

- Paul Richard, RFC, Executive Director
Institute of Consumer Financial Education

?After purchasing three different software programs, I have finally found the help I needed in CasePlanner. Had I bought CasePlanner when I first heard about it, I wouldn?t have wasted over 300 hours of valuable time finding a solution to the problems I am having. With the easy to use forms, I was able to save the necessary information on my own personal computer and print out all the forms and letters I needed to help law enforcement and my creditors help me help myself without hiring high priced lawyers?.
? L.C.

?This can be an extremely time-consuming effort requiring tremendous organizational skills. Many people lack the organizational and follow-up skills needed to get resolution. CasePlanner facilitates this effort by providing the victims with clear direction as to what to do next.?
? J.S.
