Hello you very wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum. I sincerely hope everything is going well for you and you had a nice weekend.
I have a small private affiliate network i manage with Cake software and i was wondering what i could do to scale this up please. It amazes me how affiliate networks like ClickDealer get so large with over 16,000 offers and thousands of affiliates. I please kindly wanted to ask what is the best form or most important marketing traffic type to scale an affiliate network please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.
Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope everything continues to go well for you and you achieve all your business goals. Thanks to everyone on these amazing forums who post so much wonderful and helpful knowledge. Very best wishes.
I have a small private affiliate network i manage with Cake software and i was wondering what i could do to scale this up please. It amazes me how affiliate networks like ClickDealer get so large with over 16,000 offers and thousands of affiliates. I please kindly wanted to ask what is the best form or most important marketing traffic type to scale an affiliate network please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.
Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope everything continues to go well for you and you achieve all your business goals. Thanks to everyone on these amazing forums who post so much wonderful and helpful knowledge. Very best wishes.