Hey there read your blog great stuff! Especially when you answered that one email and made it public it was very insightful!
Basically franchises like MOBE from Matt Lloyd require a big payment up front, but they say you get 90% plus back end juice and their methods are always recommended with pay for traffic sources. So in theory I'm paying for education to learn in the system and perhaps use the knowledge to build one of my product line one day. My question is the education and commission system worth it even though the big money comes from membership/seminars rather than products? Or better to save my money for advertising ammunition as the money invested can be a better teaching tool even if it is lost?
Thank you for doing this! Subscribed to your blog!
Basically franchises like MOBE from Matt Lloyd require a big payment up front, but they say you get 90% plus back end juice and their methods are always recommended with pay for traffic sources. So in theory I'm paying for education to learn in the system and perhaps use the knowledge to build one of my product line one day. My question is the education and commission system worth it even though the big money comes from membership/seminars rather than products? Or better to save my money for advertising ammunition as the money invested can be a better teaching tool even if it is lost?
Thank you for doing this! Subscribed to your blog!