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Recent content by Jay Wessman

  1. Jay Wessman

    What is better, SEO or PPC?

    Nothing beats the consistent stream of free organic traffic that you can get from SEO when you really start to rank for stuff. PPC is nice but SEO is my first love.
  2. Jay Wessman

    Official FPTraffic

    FPTraffic is the real deal. Here's some stats for a pretty new page with less than 10k followers that I just started posting out daily updates from using FPTraffic:
  3. Jay Wessman

    How To Make $$$ By Reviewing Stuff On YouTube

    How To Make $$$ By Reviewing Stuff On YouTube What’s uuuuuup? So lately I’ve been getting into ‘reviewing’ stuff on YouTube (and on my niche sites) to make $ and I thought I’d make a tutorial to show you how I’m doing it. I’ve been setting up channels where I personally review all sorts of...
  4. Jay Wessman

    Money and Things!

    Hey man - I never state in my stuff that you get CDs or DVDs. It's all digital and when a member signs up they are able to watch and access all of the videos online right away. In this day and age I think waiting for DVDs and to be shipped in the post just makes for an unnecessary delay and most...
  5. Jay Wessman

    Whats the best video editing software for making YouTube videos?

    Personally I like Adobe Premier Pro. It's about $20/month for just Premiere Pro or around $50 if you want the entire Abode suite (which also includes Photoshop for images, After Affects for YouTube intros and a bunch of other stuff too). I'm pretty sure they also offer a free 30 day trial...
  6. Jay Wessman

    Whats everyones opinion on MOBE etc?

    Ehhhh. It is what it is. Personally I wouldn't promote MLM but I don’t hold anything against those that do. So long as they are legal and profitable MLMs will exist and although they are kind of shady so is say an adult dating offer filled with fake profiles/messages or a ‘free trial’ re-bill...
  7. Jay Wessman

    Where is Jay Wessman?

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeya haha. I feel loved. I know, I know… I’ve been bad. But don’t worry I’m not dead. Here’s an update. I’m actually banking and grinding harder than ever but as things have been growing and getting bigger I’ve also found myself with a serious lack of time. Life has been really...
  8. Jay Wessman

    How to get CHEAP Facebook likes.

    If you want to be 100% safe just use dummy accounts.
  9. Jay Wessman

    Apple to buy Beats?

    Yeah I read somewhere that if it's true it'll give him the highest net worth out of any rapper hands down making Jay-Z with his 'measly' 500 million look poor by comparison
  10. Jay Wessman

    Jay Wessman shows you how Screw95 gets viral and free traffic to my new forum!

    Finally got that guide on posting viral content up here.
  11. Jay Wessman

    Search Engine Optimization or Pay Per Click.Please suggest which one is better?

    There are pros and cons to both. PPC requires more upfront cost and often you'll have to spend a fair bit before you get the hang of it and really start to get profitable. The up side however is it's a lot faster than SEO so if you know what you are doing you can theoretically set up a...
  12. Jay Wessman

    How to remain on top of Google?

    If you can make your content something viral and something that people naturally want to link too then once you have done the initial SEO grunt work and your site is ranking then people will find you in the search engines and start to naturally share and link to your content which will allow you...
  13. Jay Wessman

    3 Ways To Easily Create Viral Content That People Wanna Share!

    Heya ninjas! If you think that creating viral content is hard then I want to show you a few tricks that'll make is really easy. The basic idea is to take content that is ALREADY proven to be viral and then just posting it to your blog and sharing it out from my social accounts. This way you...