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  1. P

    How to use landing page provided by affiliate network

    How to use landing page and link provided that lead to that landing page ? can I use that domain path provided by network through google ads? how to edit that if I want? and account suspension issue exist or not? It is nutra offer not belong to adult category?
  2. Aditya007

    FREE Spy Tools

    Hello everyone, I've seen quite a few threads and posts asking for free spy tools, so here's a list of some free spy tools that do not require a CC submit for a trial. It can help you get some idea about what's your competitor running these days: AffBank Apy Tool: It's a completely free native...
  3. Mabegu5000

    Help with Bemob Tracking, Clickbank and Landing Page Iframe

    Hello Friend how are you... I address you more than anything to those who have more experience in tracking because I have the following query: I am promoting a clickbank product through a landing page (Pre-Sale Type). My strategy is that once visitors visit the landing and press any...
  4. Jacko014

    Survey Pre-Landers inquiry

    Hi, Fellas how ya'll doin? I recently started the CPA journey was promoting apps and it was pretty good. But i just switched for email submit offers which i see a great future :) for me i'd try Bing ads with MaxBounty offers which are awesome offers, I'll pick Survey offers but the Question is...
  5. MaxAffiliate77

    How to untwist landing?

    How to untwist landing about organization?
  6. Leming

    Selling Design and html/css services since 1998

  7. Leming

    Hi there, Buddies! ;]

    Hello guys! Glad to join community! I've provide design, html and photo-retouching services since 1998. See ya! ;)
  8. IronMan

    Selling Earn Now $$ Selling HQ Landing Page For iPhone/Sweepstakes offer (giftcard,XBOX)

    Hello guys, i want to sell high quality lp for different types of sweepstakes offer. You can earn handsome amount of money by using this LP for social media traffic like Insatagram, facebook. These LP really convert well. You can use content locker or direct link in it. I will also help you to...
  9. Guilly

    Newbie doubt about Lps

    Hey All If I find a offer that has a beautiful landing page from the network, is that ok to rip that Lp and use it as my LP to redirect to the actual offer ?? I suppose that if the network is using that lander. it should be an winner. Isn't it Thanks all
  10. alrey91

    How to Lower the Cost of CPC on Bing Ads

    Hello, I have a Bing PPC campaign running to a pre-sell landing page which then directs them to the Clickbank offer. So far, I am getting sales but I am breaking even or slightly on the negative side. I have very good CTR's, the campaign has a 4.36% CTR. My question is how do I lower the...
  11. SolarSystem

    What CTR is considered normal in adult niche?

    Hi! I'm started working with 1-click adult offers in Latam and created multiple landing pages. So I have a question — what CTR on landings is considered normal/good in adult niche? (Not dating).
  12. ramifenili

    ☀☀ Pokémon GO Landing | Free PokéCoins Generator ☀☀

    Hi! Here's a free landing page (responsive) that I made a few hours ago! It fakes a PokéCoins Free Generator :) Please read! Open index.html and edit line 55 with your advertising link This link will alternate with my advertising Mobidea.