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  1. affiliate

    Instagram + CPA

    yeah i heard using bots is a good way to get cpa commissions,
  2. affiliate

    Selling [ LanderStealth ] The Ultimate ClickJacker $$$ Profit from your pages

    looks like a great product! great idea! good luck with everything!!
  3. affiliate

    Selling Content writer for articles and product descriptions

    even offer your service for free too a few people, then you will have some examples and some reputation. offer it too dojo members only (Paid users of affiliatefix). just a suggestion good luck
  4. affiliate

    Selling AGC movie script

    this looks like a nice script, nice price too, good luck with sales
  5. affiliate

    Pay Per Call Best Traffic Source

    bing adwords and facebook
  6. affiliate

    Official OGAds

    og ads is awesome!
  7. affiliate

    PPC or SEO? What Is Your Favourite

    for me it used too be all about SEO, now its PPC
  8. affiliate

    Selling Bing+Clickbank+CPA Offers - Make Money With this Method is Garanteed

    Guys i bought this, looks ok! Could be a little longer but its strait to the point info. short and sweet. Honestly a very good little buy for $10 cant go wrong at that price
  9. affiliate

    Official RingPartner [Deleted]

    wow..... sorry too hear this Shohrab Hossain ...
  10. affiliate

    More Bing Accounts

    yeah i buy them :D
  11. affiliate

    Anyone Here With Propellerads

    yeah there great, for publishers and advertisers. :)
  12. affiliate

    BuySellAds Review

    yeah i have been buying bsa for a few years, its good for brand awareness of your own brand its mainly impressions, the clicks are low ive found, and never really converts into sales :(
  13. affiliate

    Cheap PPC Traffic?

    use those vcc postpay bing, adwords and facebook accounts, just use a cloaker and a vps. I was doing it a bit, worked great.. cheap traffic :)
  14. affiliate

    My Bing Follow Along

    better results than what im getting, i have been buying cheap bing accounts but i just cant get them too convert, wasting so much..
  15. affiliate

    How To Generate Targeted Leads From Facebook

    great share thanks very much for posting :)