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Recent content by Aivix

  1. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Smart Link Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will share information about its own “Smart Links” tool, which you can access in your personal account after signing up. There you will also find a list of special promo codes and bonuses for affiliate marketing services and ad...
  2. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Friends, vote for Aivix! Aivix is a nominee of Sigma Awards Eurasia in the category AFFILIATE NETWORK OF THE YEAR! We are happy to be a part of it and we are aiming to win, hope very much that you will help us to do it! Voting has already started and will run until February 27th, which means...
  3. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Good afternoon, I have written to you in personal messages
  4. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Popular GEOs for financial offers Greetings to all affiliate marketers. The Aivix team has prepared a list of the most popular GEOs with short descriptions. Switzerland and Germany have one of the highest living standards in Europe, and thus they have a good conversion rate. The popularity is...
  5. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Affiliate marketing of digital finances Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today Aivix prepared for you some information about a topic everyone has heard about, and that’s trading in digital finances. Trading is an economic term, which means earning from a price difference. Your income is...
  6. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Features of Yandex and Google algorithms Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, together with Aivix we will discuss the features of Yandex and Google search engines. Knowing the fundamentals and algorithms of search systems is the basis of successfully promoting a website and quickly...
  7. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Digital identity Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about the concept of “digital identity” that emerged as the Internet became popular. Digitalization has a number of pros: e-ID, electronic driver’s licenses, “smart cities”, etc. That said, a digital identity...
  8. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    How to drive white hat SEO traffic to finances Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, the Aivix team has prepared some content about white SEO traffic for financial offers. SEO traffic are clicks done from search engines to the target page. The website must appear in the top search...
  9. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    How to promote finances via apps Mobile applications are an effective traffic source for financial offers. Users are more lenient to ads that are integrated into mobile apps. Besides, the app, along with the offer, stays on the phone. This preserves the communication with the audience, unlike...
  10. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    A/B testing Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix is going to discuss A/B testing. A/B testing (split testing) is the comparison of two or more effectiveness variants. In the testing process, one element of the ad campaign is altered. Then, the variants are evaluated in terms...
  11. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Affiliate marketing on Telegram Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about affiliate marketing through Telegram. Telegram is a rapidly growing messenger, attracting more and more new users who can become potential leads. You can use it as a traffic source and as a...
  12. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Insurance in digital finance Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about the possibilities of digital finance insurance. You get specific insurance protocols in digital finances providing insurance for your digital assets. It is especially relevant for DeFi, which...
  13. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Stablecoins and digital dollars Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, together with Aivix, we will explore one of the basics of digital finances. Stablecoins (payment tokens or real cryptocurrencies) are digital tokens with a stable exchange rate tied to, let's say, the dollar. They...
  14. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    Deeplink in affiliate marketing Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, especially for you, Aivix prepared content about deep links. A deep link is the specification of a web portal’s section (e.g. /trade/), which redirects the visitor to a specific part of the website, instead of the...
  15. Aivix

    Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

    ASO optimization in affiliate marketing Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about ASO optimization in affiliate marketing. ASO (App Store Optimization) – is the optimization of the app page in the store. It increases the impressions of the page and, thus, installs...