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Recent content by amtrader

  1. amtrader

    Working with Advertiser?

    what do you mean by CPA network.?
  2. amtrader

    Optimising on high bid

    The first thing I would suggest you is to increase your Quality score and then increase your bid.
  3. amtrader

    How to Grow Your Business With Storytelling

    THREAD EDITED BY ADMIN: This is a copyrighted piece on the American Express website originally authored by Bruna Martinuzzi President and Founder, Clarion Enterprises Ltd. "The most successful marketers and salespeople are those who have lots of stories to tell about real people who experienced...
  4. amtrader

    How to increase blog traffic.

    Dear Friends, Can you suggest me the best methods which I can adopt for making my blog visible tomore people and hence to get more traffic.
  5. amtrader

    happy to help

    happy to help
  6. amtrader

    How can I promote my website on Linkedin?

    You can promote your company on LinkedIn by creating a company page. and the you have to add all the employees who are working there. after that you have to post quality contents related to your business or the topics of your niche and ask your team mates to share it on their account. like this...
  7. amtrader

    Which is your favorite social media sites?

    If you ask like this its little bit confusing as i like both twitter and facebook. and again if I have to choose one I will definitely go with Facebook.
  8. amtrader

    Any Latest Off Page SEO Effective techniques?

    Dear Friend, all the off page SEO techniques are effective if you d it in a good manner following all the basic rules. the thing you have to understand is that SEO is not an immediate result oriented process. This will take time. so be patient and continue your work. one day you will get your...
  9. amtrader


    Hello Dear welcome to this form, Nice to meet you. I am also a newbie here.
  10. amtrader

    Which CMS is best for SEO?

    All content management systems are good. the thing what matters is the one which you know better to perform all on page SEO techniques. I personally prefer Wordpress
  11. amtrader

    Which one to Buy i phone7 or Samsung S7

    Dear Friends, I am bit confused about buying a new mobile can you help me by suggesting a good mobile.? I like the specification of both iphone7 and samsung s7. but I haven't used apple mobiles yet. how it will be for an android user.
  12. amtrader

    Do you have any pets?

    I love pets, and I have few pair of love birds and a labradore Dog. but sorry to tell you that i dont like cats. I don't know why :-)
  13. amtrader

    Best SEO books for beginners?

    You can download the Moz SEO tutorial for beginners and also visit to the neil patel blogs Quicksprout and Shoutmeloud. both will help you to learn better.
  14. amtrader

    Hello Every one!

    Dear Forum mates, I am Amtrader, a new born to this forum. I am here to learn new things and discuss my doubts and knowledge with yo all.
  15. amtrader

    Clicks from countries that i'm not targeting!!!

    I too get many clicks from different countries which i am not targeting, if you are getting more visits from the counties that you don't target than the country you target. then think and analyze your campaign that how they got the lead to your site and streamline your strategy accordingly.