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Recent content by Bashy

  1. Bashy

    POP Bots!!! Can You Confirm My Thinking.

    There is no real theme to the UA, nothing that gives it away as a bot or not real as far as i can see For examples Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.5.6...
  2. Bashy

    POP Bots!!! Can You Confirm My Thinking.

    The other day i ran a very limited amount of traffic from Popads as i was bot testing a specific category. The stats looked ok but i spotted something that i want to confirm. I noticed that most of the traffic was being reported as screen resolution 640x960, Popads tracking macro was...
  3. Bashy

    Could Pops Die or Thrive?

    Surprised there has not been any talk on this. After speaking with a couple of the popup networks i use lets just say they are very very worried. This means if you run pops as a way to make your living you may be getting a shock in the next few months. Without the update we cant see the real...
  4. Bashy

    Could Pops Die or Thrive?

    I didn't see this spoken about so thought i would mention it but has anyone else seen the recent update to Google Chrome coming soon? Google Chrome will stop letting sites redirect you against your will in 2018 | TechRadar Could this lower the amount of available traffic at the networks, could...
  5. Bashy

    Visitor Loss Issue

    I've have noticed a lot of visitor loss while using Popads For example today i got 18,502 impressions but my tracker shows 13,690 visitors and 12,893 unique visitors. My tracker shows me as positive ROI while in reality i'm negative ROI. My landing pages load within 52-204ms so i don't see...
  6. Bashy

    This Cant Be Right?

    Hey everyone. I set of a pop run of network campaign on RTX platform today targeting South Africa, i split this campaign into 3 separate campaigns targeting 3 mobile carriers only and ran 4 landing pages Here are the LP results so far for just one carrier (MTN) What stands out to me is the...
  7. Bashy

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    If i may interject with my limited experience but its something i found important and took me a while to see on my own campaigns. The banners you used while different all contained pretty much the same angle, in a sense you skipped the angle testing stage and are optimizing 1 angle for best...
  8. Bashy

    Amazon Affiliate Site

    As someone who has made a good amount of money with the Amazon associate program over a number of years i can say your goal is to not convince customers to buy. Sounds strange i know but hear me out. Your goal is to get people to click through to Amazon. Amazon have mastered the art of...
  9. Bashy

    Stealing My money

    I'm still relatively new but i have to agree with dontbejello, Max Bounty have been horrific for me in terms of AM contact and general communication. Try Mobidea or Gotzha, Both my AM's there have been amazing. They actually take an interest in how I'm doing, unlike most of the other networks...
  10. Bashy

    RTX Platform Referrer Domains Question

    Thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't all bot traffic as it seemed a bit odd that's where the CTR traffic was coming from.
  11. Bashy

    RTX Platform Referrer Domains Question

    Ive been testing PPV with RTX Platform recently. I'm new to PPV so don't flame me if this question is stupid haha. But i'm running a campaign where my landing pages are getting CTR's of around 8%. No conversions so far but the conversion point requires a deposit as its a casino offer. I'm not...
  12. Bashy

    What is your CTR?

    For mobile you want your landing pages to run as fast as possible, IE sub 1sec load times. When you factor in the redirect speed of your tracker this can be even higher. I would recommend you try using Cloudflare and ensure you set page rules to cache everything. I have been using the wild card...
  13. Bashy

    Cutting Placements for a Profitable Campaign

    Been a while since my last reply. Thanks for the messages everyone. Since this is my first profitable campaign I've made loads of mistakes but I've also been testing. Basically just trying to optimize off my own instincts which has been hit and miss. I've worked out the best time of the day to...
  14. Bashy

    Cutting Placements for a Profitable Campaign

    Thanks @comegetbravo I've got a good amount of data so far but nothing that screams out to me that i should cut XYZ etc. Right now my stats for the past 3 days are 13,807 visitors, 285 clicks 10 conversions. All told i'm $2.08 up as yesterday was a low day with 1 conversion and $14 spend, then...
  15. Bashy

    Cutting Placements for a Profitable Campaign

    Thanks for your reply @T J Tutor :) I'm using Popads for this one tho targeting mobile only. Today i had 2745 visitors, 104 clicks and 1 conversion. Most of those clicks came from traffic sources which sent 1/2 visitor so a 100-50% CTR. If i'm not mistaken i really need placements to send more...