Sorry, mate but I don't know anything about Adwords.
Generally speaking, it could be either seasonal or you have changed your ads and/or keywords to attract people who aren't good "service takers". Try creating an ad that conveys your offer as directly as possible to attract your ideal...
To give an example of these fluctuations, which just happened to me. I've had very little conversions, losing money for almost 4 hours straight on this campaign. And then I got 12 conversions in one hour, putting me back in the green at a very modest 19% ROI. This campaign usually has a 40% ROI...
Advice from pretend experts is worse than no advice at all. Experience is the best teacher. Do you have experience running campaigns?
All those pretend experts have been around since the dawn of the industry, or so I've heard, I'm not that old.
Marketing legend Gary Halbert spent the first...
Are you Thai? Sawadee krap :D
I've only heard Thais use the word 'spoiled' in this context.
Sorry, I can't help you with that, just wanted to say hi. One idea I can throw out, though: You say they were performing well. How many conversions did you get? Maybe you just got lucky with few...
I'm looking for a network with US CC submits. I can deliver up to 100 leads per day. I can provide proof and references. Payout must be at least $20.
Note: I'm talking to my managers and applying at different networks to find the best offer for me. Keep that in mind.
Minimum deposit for push traffic is $50 from what I've seen. Good sources are $100+.
You have to spend money to make money, man! Especially nowadays when there are so many shady traffic sources selling fraudulent clicks.
$10 isn't going to get you anywhere, by a Kebab and some kefir with it...
I want to try your push traffic too! But your payment processor tries to charge my card in Arab money. Your rep's answer was "we can't help you with that"
You guys must be doing well for yourself!
Showing again how clueless you are. Everything I said just went over your head.
There's quality and then there's selling a completely different ad format.
My strategy for traffic sources is always bid minimum bid at first to weed out bad placements that nobody wants to buy. Those are the ones...
That's not the problem. All of my traffic runs through a cloaker, which has advanced bot and proxy detection. As you can see in my stats, the clicks that I was able to track before my server went bust show around 50% bot traffic, which isn't good but not terrible either.
The real problem with...
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