Hi All,
I am looking for Quality Affiliates who can deliver paypercall for Mixed/Branded Calls.
Mix - $14-$15
Branded Calls - $20-$25
Price varies depending on quality.
We do Weekly Payments.
Hi all,
I have lot of delta airlines calls which i would like to sell to a call center who can accept 100+ calls per day. kindly share where can i procure the same.
I am looking for affiliate who can deliver chrome extensions installs, I can accept auto/Incent traffic.
Looking for huge installs if any affiliate has the same ping me.
Hey why don't you share more details on what you want to advertiser so that it helps every one look at the product and help you on the same.
We have a gaming App looking for traffic on the same from india, if you have right kind of quality traffic please PM me.
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If you still not seeing traffic then you are still not bidding higher to receive traffic from other buyer, You need to beat the price to receive traffic so increase the bid to $0.03 or $0.05 it would help.
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