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Recent content by Craiginthebox

  1. Craiginthebox

    Ask Me Anything THRIVE Tracking Platform (The Ultimate Web & Mobile Tracker)

    You are very welcome Stephen... I've just recommended one of my close friends to your service he is signing up as we speak. :D
  2. Craiginthebox

    Ask Me Anything THRIVE Tracking Platform (The Ultimate Web & Mobile Tracker)

    Hey Stephen I have just signed up for Thrive... LOVE IT!! What an awesome job you have done... I was previously with CPVLABS and I know what you mean about it looks outdated, it's buggy as 'fook' and to be fair it's about as attractive to look at as the dictionary. It's just boring and...
  3. Craiginthebox

    Affiliates Wanted CPA up to 900$ GO!

    Hey Alex - What would a lead have to deposit for a 900 payout (cpa)?
  4. Craiginthebox

    Do you agree ? Mobile is overtaking Desktop these days ?

    Hi Wadiwala, my name is Craig, little introduction for you there... and this is my very first actual post here so I shall make it a good one for you haha So you wanna see mobile stats ey or at least see how they compare? WELL..... If you already have traffic, Google Analytics tells you tons...
  5. Craiginthebox

    Great payout this month

    Well Done Mate... Enjoy it! Or Re-Invest it... That's up to you :)
  6. Craiginthebox

    Onwards and Upwards!

    Onwards and Upwards!
  7. Craiginthebox

    The Benefits Of Using Native Ads

    Excellent Advice for newbies and the like...
  8. Craiginthebox

    Craig is in the house...

    Cheers for the warm welcome dudes, good to know you guys don't shy ha ha Yeah I'm checking out the DOJO as soon as I press submit on this post ha ha
  9. Craiginthebox

    Craig is in the house...

    Hi Guys, Craig here just joined your community, it's real nice to be here so i look forward to sharing ideas and tips with you guys soon. Don't be shy say Hi :) Cheers Craig