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Recent content by donyassine

  1. donyassine

    Traffic source for videos download website

    Download of scraped videos
  2. donyassine

    Traffic source for videos download website

    Hello, I have a new video downloader website, where can I get the best-interested visitors for my website?
  3. donyassine

    Content for glossary

    Thank you all for your Replay I appreciate it ☺️
  4. donyassine

    Content for glossary

    Hello, I have a website in a technology niche, I want to create a glossary for common termes And to teach my visitors some technical termes in my niche. How can I get the content for such glossary, any one have a idea or has the same problem before ?
  5. donyassine

    Best Email Marketing Strategy in UK

    Hello, email marketing is world wide marketing method, you can't develop a specific strategy that working only on uk. what you can do is to optimize your data and campaign based on uk market, like timing and isp ...
  6. donyassine

    Mobile Adventures

    I wish you all the best on your adventure
  7. donyassine

    Voluum OR Adsbridge ??? Which Is Best?

    Personally, i consider that Voluum and Adbridge are the best good tracking tools available now on market, any one can start using and understand them very quickly.
  8. donyassine

    how you manage a blog

    manage a blog depend on a lot of factors, but on general it's easy and simple. personally, i manage 2 blogs on the same time, 2 or 3 articles each week, i even write articles some time on my phone or tablet on going.
  9. donyassine

    Hello everybody

    Hello Alex, welcome, i wish you a good luck on your journey.
  10. donyassine

    Started cpa less than a week ago and getting conversions

    This is nice, good, congratulations and happy cpa journey.
  11. donyassine

    Understand Everything about Facebook CPA Ads Right Now!

    Thank you, great and useful informations about Facebook Ads.
  12. donyassine

    One Great Tip To Find Converting Offers

    Great trick, thank you for sharing.
  13. donyassine

    How To Check Spam Score for Emails?

    Newsletters spam test by very simple and very good
  14. donyassine

    Which is the Best Code Editor?

    Personally, i prefer NetBeans. SublimeText is also a good one.
  15. donyassine

    Which is best PHP Framework ?

    There is no best php framework. every one has the advantages and disadvantages. but if we do a little benchmarking on what are the most popular and used frameworks on web now, we can say that: Symfony, Zend framework, Cakephp, Laravel and Codeigniter are the best available now.