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Recent content by Dylan-Eco

  1. Dylan-Eco

    Affiliates Wanted Attention!!! Waterdrop's new product is coming, joining and earning big

    Waterdrop will launch a RO Water Cooler Dispenser named Waterdrop A1, combining cooling, heating, and purification functions. what you will get from promoting Waterdrop's new products: We offer a high commission rate of 15% for this product in the first 3 months. Timely commission payments. the...
  2. Dylan-Eco

    co-brand cooperation inviting

    glad to hear about that, looking forward to your connection
  3. Dylan-Eco

    co-brand cooperation inviting

    Hello guys, I am Dylan from Waterdrop(Water Filters & Water Purifier Systems | Waterdrop), the leader in water filtration manufacturing, We are seeking brands that are eager to achieve mutually beneficial growth. Generally, we have a strong online presence, with 180,000 monthly website visitors...
  4. Dylan-Eco

    Official Promote Waterdrop New Product and Earn an Extra $5000 a Month

    Waterdrop will launch a RO Water Cooler Dispenser named Waterdrop A1, combining cooling, heating, and purification functions. what you will get from promoting Waterdrop's new products: We offer high commission rates of 15% for this product in the first 3 months. Timely commission payments...
  5. Dylan-Eco

    Waterdrop Mother's Day Promotion

    Here are the coupon codes for the Mothers' Day Promotion. Period: 5-15th May 1, $200 OFF for G3P800, CODE:"MD200" product link: 800 GPD Tankless RO System with UV Sterilizing Light and Smart Faucet - Waterdrop G3P800 2, $150 OFF for K6, CODE: MD150 product link: Reverse Osmosis Instant Hot...
  6. Dylan-Eco

    Official Welcome to be Waterdrop's partners

    Dylan-Eco submitted a new resource: Welcome to be Waterdrop's partners - Join us earn much more money and help people drink safe and healthy water Read more about this resource...
  7. Dylan-Eco

    Welcome to be Waterdrop's partners

    Why Waterdrop: Waterdop is one of the world-leading manufacturers of water filtration appliances. Our top affiliate earns over $10,000 per month 10% Commission Average Conversion Rate 3.5+ Average Order Value is over $200+ 30 Days Duration Cookie How to be Waterdrop Affiliate Partners? STEP...