Buy traffic --pay cash up front to a RTB or a DSP advertising network.
If you are soliciting new affiliates here you must register and be approved
Ask the affiliate manager --networks have different policies.
I think that a URL shorter tool may cause page opening delays and just create new issues.
Best to use you own domain with server rewrites
Says who? That's the real problem. Do you have proof that their traffic is loaded with bots & fraud? Your own proof --not what someone else tells you. If you do, then I would try talking to the advertising network.
That said, with Selenium and Google Headless that were originally designed as...
If "networking" means hustling up new business:
You're invited to register your business as a resource
Both can be tracked. CPA from SEO ties more to content quality and engagement than just targeting or funnel mechanics. The methods are more complex --just built for different user journeys.
SEO tracking goes beyond referral counts and user metrics. With gtag or s2s postbacks on the conversion...
read more like a very bad workplace
But with unhappy employees can the work quality be that good?
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