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Recent content by IamKingz

  1. I

    Gold I've just won the $500 Giveaway sponsored by Mobicow

    this is my best gift ever, really helpful awesome. thanks a lit affiliatefix
  2. I


    Always use one page submit offer and single optin, cause i have tried many in maxbounty double optin, not getting good conversion. always ROI was negative. find top 10 offer in peerflyoffers(dot)com
  3. I

    Case Study Revcontent with Perfume Ads

    i have already spyed ads bro, but didn't work, i don't want to run anymore this offer in revcontent thank you.
  4. I

    Journey Revcontent with Loan Offer

    Revcontent and $98 offer payout
  5. I

    This Months Earnings 100% ROI

    how much you got conversion.
  6. I

    Today Running Offer Earn

    i have spent $5 something
  7. I

    Today Running Offer Earn

    me too bro, negative
  8. I

    Today Running Offer Earn

    no spilit test, direct linking is good for bing
  9. I

    Revcontent with Collage Offer (Journey)

    this journey is same, got 0 conversion spent $11.50 sorry for the late post, cause i had not time to post here, today i am free. Cpa Network: maxbounty Ad Network: revcontent Spent:$11.50 ad static profit: $0 Offer Name: Collage Search - US conversion: $0 i have lost money but earn some...
  10. I

    Today Running Offer Earn

    this is my today running offer earn using a adnetwork, sorry for i am not telling you the ad network name. i am using banner traffic with direct linking SurveyVoice Banner Traffic Zbuyer offer Bing Traffic.
  11. I

    Journey Revcontent with Loan Offer

    I had run a campaign in revcontent with maxbounty loan offer. this journey is not given me money, i have learn many thing of this journey. Offer name: Cashloan Network: Maxbounty Publisher Ad Network: revcontent ads static: spent: $86 conversion: 0 tracking: clickmagic (just redirect used)...
  12. I

    today earn one offer with bing

    today earn one with bing ads.
  13. I

    Promoting CPA Offers

    which type of offer you promoted.
  14. I

    Maxbounty Earn $19

    Yes i am not maxbounty manager lol