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Recent content by jakon

  1. jakon

    Is this guy bullpooping me?

    He has to be... but I don't know much.
  2. jakon

    Some thoughts on technology

    Look at future predictions and make the technology/software/website/app for the masses NOW and extrapolate on today's technology to create that idea over time. Future technology bootstraps on today's technology to further extend our creative capacity and create more solutions to the human...
  3. jakon

    Every 1000$/day start with simple action

    Watching your thread brethern
  4. jakon

    Build Apps, Monetize Them, Buy Quality Leads, if +ROI....Arbitrage?

    Create monetized apps, pay for downloads, users engage in monetization, pay for more DL's!
  5. jakon

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    What do you think of my thread @cashmoneyaffiliate? Build Apps, Monetize Them, Buy Quality Leads, if +ROI....Arbitrage? | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
  6. jakon

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    What about creating my own monetized app and having you(or other performance based marketers/networks) market it? I recently posted a thread on my idea here....
  7. jakon

    Build Apps, Monetize Them, Buy Quality Leads, if +ROI....Arbitrage?

    So I've been reading about IM since August, having made some money with, buying three .com's, and considering the "affiliate marketing campaigns with a tracker/VPS/" path.... I've come to the conclusion, why be an affiliate marketer RIGHT NOW when I can have my own...
  8. jakon

    Where to start with apps?!

    Alright, I'm starting here index - androiddev.... But I'm pretty sure there are easier methods of creating simple apps, just like wordpress allows me to create websites I could never code on my own.... So I'd just like to ask, where to start with Android app creation? Lastly, to provide some...
  9. jakon

    Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

    @tjtutor dude great post, thank you! Love this forum!....
  10. jakon

    What exactly am I selling?

    Reviews of CPA Networks, Affiliate Programs and Ad Networks - Affpaying 1 Giant List of Affiliate Marketing Resources
  11. jakon

    What exactly am I selling?

    Try Affiliate Marketing | Affiliate Programs | CPA Offers | OfferVault and Find Affiliate Offers, Real Network Reviews And Expert Affiliate Marketing Training | oDigger to search for products, offers, apps, and affiliate companies.
  12. jakon

    Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

    I read almost the whole thing then skimmed the rest, right on man! I hope we all figure out how to promote products of value....
  13. jakon

    Newbie interested in making huge life changes.

    I just came here too, discovered IM and AM in August, and was hanging out on BHW mostly.... I'm not sure where to start without money though, and even then a lot of the products and offers are not things I am whole hearted about. I know a lot about supplements, biochemistry, physiology...
  14. jakon

    Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

    I would like to see more examples of affiliate products I would actually pull out a credit card for. I'd like to see more working examples of what has made money in the past or now(even if it isn't currently, I'll try to figure it out)..... I look at some of these offers and I'm just like...
  15. jakon

    Offering Affiliate Products behind Offer Walls and Product Lockers

    What do you think? Have your entire landing page setup with a $7(or so) offer, accepting credit cards and paypal, a totally normal affiliate product page, but have the option to "learn how to EARN this product NOW"(can't say "win this product free", correct?). And stick some CPA surveys with...