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Recent content by jims45

  1. jims45

    Official CrakRevenue

    To put the record straight Eric from CrakRevenue has solved the problem and has been 100% professional. Mistakes happen so all is forgiven. To be fair a lot of Affiliates rate CrakRevenue highly so this must have been a one off issue. All's well that ends well!
  2. jims45

    Official CrakRevenue

    I can't figure you guys out at CrakRevenue... I signed up and started testing smartlinks trying to get some data to optimize with then had to take a break owing to illness. After a couple of months I go to login and find my account blocked, inactivity, fair enough I think. But then I check my...
  3. jims45


    To bring this topic to a conclusion I did not receive another payment and when I emailed to ask why I got this response: "Hope you're having a nice day. I've noticed that you had conversions with 3 different currencies (US Dollar , Euro , British Pound), We generate an invoice once you have a...
  4. jims45

    Official Avazu Private Exchange [Deleted]

    I recently signed up with Avazu but then looked at the minimum payment threshold ($1000). I would say this network is for experienced affiliates that really know what they are doing. If Avazu are reading this thread, guys you need to consider reducing your minimum payout so that newer affiliates...
  5. jims45

    How to work with Newbidder Tracker

    Interesting email from Newbidder: "Dear Clients, Sincerely appreciate your support, we are now having a promotion which you can get your free account or you will be charged starting from September according to below 4 ways, they are: 1. Bought or buying traffic through Newbidder Mdsp 2...
  6. jims45


    Thanks for the advice and assistance given, have been sending some traffic to my old friends at Peerfly. Now those guys always pay on time, lesson learned!
  7. jims45


    Yahay ... some good news :) Got paid the outstanding invoice but no explanation as to why no invoice generated on 16th for subsequent conversions made ( I was over the $100 threshhold ). Maybe they are delaying payment to make sure they get paid first? Jury is still out :D Apart from that...
  8. jims45


    Just got a message fron my AM they are looking into why I have not been paid. See what happens next!
  9. jims45


    That is a very good idea, if I do not get a response from them in the next few days I will call them and ask why I have not been paid. Never had a problem getting paid by any of the big networks, lesson learned I guess.
  10. jims45


    Thanks for the reply Azgold, yes I have stopped all traffic. What really makes me nervous is the search I did online, there are a few bad reports about them tbh. Hopefully they will respond to my email and pay out. If the Affiliaxe rep is still active on this Forum it would be nice if they could...
  11. jims45


    Update: Now 33 days since the payment invoice was generated in my account and no payment. Furthermore they say they will pay bi-monthly and even though I had generated over the required threshold of $100 another invoice did not appear in my dashboard. I sent an email today asking if they missed...
  12. jims45

    Protect Your Campaigns From Spy Tools Like Adplexity With Magic Checker

    Newbie question I guess, :) but do we have to make our money page "no follow" to stop it being indexed by search engines?
  13. jims45


    I have started working with Affiliaxe and some of the offers convert well.:) There is a payment invoice generated in my account dashboard for approved conversions and I now have to wait 30 days to get paid. I will report back if I have a good or bad experience but so far I'm very happy with...
  14. jims45

    Protect Your Campaigns From Spy Tools Like Adplexity With Magic Checker

    Looks amazing, maybe someone can cut a discount deal for Affiliatefix members?:D