You are a professional email copywriter and engagement strategist. Based on the following context or pain point content: [Insert Pain Point Here], write an email that is compelling, emotionally resonant, and designed to drive action. Start with an attention-grabbing subject line that aligns with...
As in all your content creation you should always be focusing quality vs quanity .. with the onset of AI ,it has given everyone to possibility to become a copywriting pro , you just need to feed AI the correct prompts to get the out come that you desire .
I have heard this too , I have actually been saying please and thankyou and also named my GPT Fred , also I have trained the out puts I get by providing content examples ect .
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Attention: "role based name" email prefixes such as support, webmaster, info, contact, forum, service, affiliate, admin, traffic, partners, marketing, etc., for our member accounts are not permitted. They are acceptable for a vendor listing, but not for the member email. This is due to bulk email processors scrubbing them for delivery due to extremely high bounce rates. Please apply for membership using a personalized email prefix. Something like
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