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Recent content by seneca

  1. seneca

    VPS or CDN

    Do we need both? This is the real question
  2. seneca

    VPS or CDN

    Hi, Have anyone done any testing related VPS or CDN? The question is not about price, but I would like to understand the 2 options: 1 - Performance 2 - Price 3 - Maintenance I haven't done any, but so far these are the main points that I could find out: CDN - Pros - Price, Maintenance CDN -...
  3. seneca

    ClickMagick and Massive amounts of fake clicks

    I have no idea about PPV, so this why I asked the question. I guess some people make a lot o money the point is how
  4. seneca

    How can we detect fraud traffic and how can we reduce it.

    Hi @pac0s1 thanks for that it would nice to have list with some networks that have anti-fraud systems (I didnt know about that)
  5. seneca

    ClickMagick and Massive amounts of fake clicks

    Hi everyone, I am testing ClickMagick, and on the site they are clear that: They don't want some type of traffic from bulk traffic sites, auto surf traffic exchange and some PPV i.e: adcash, zeropark,, leadimpact, 50onred, mobicow (there are more sites...
  6. seneca

    Does SelfAdvertiser have any real traffic at all?

    Hi anyone? Did you get any answer from STM?
  7. seneca

    VOTE NOW: What tracking tool do you use?

    Please add clickmagic
  8. seneca

    Free Amazon AWS and my $500 mistake

    This is good mate.........Never thought like that
  9. seneca

    Free Amazon AWS and my $500 mistake

    Hi everyone I've tried Amazon AWS service. I thought, why not it is free and I don't need to buy VPS. 1- Good Part So, I tested one static html to test, so far so good, everything is free, easy and fast. How about wordpress site? Well, just two clicks away and everything is good. 2 - Not so...
  10. seneca


    50% Brazil - 50% Australia I guess
  11. seneca


    Thanks mate
  12. seneca

    Newbie to Master Journey - Step #1

    First, thank you guys... the forum is amazing. I've read maybe 100 threads or so, pure gold. :) So, I will share my experience so far and maybe it can help someone (I am newbie, so very basic stuff) But first you have to start here What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE) My first impression...
  13. seneca


    Stoic and his strategy was anti-fragile. So, this why affiliate marketing
  14. seneca


  15. seneca

    Affiliate Network vs Traffic Sources

    Hi @Mobidea, I still have some questions although very basic ones. I will ask them in the thread that you shared, so maybe everybody can get something all of it. Cheers!