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Recent content by Shohrab Hossain

  1. Shohrab Hossain

    CPA With Youtube!!!!

    Hello marketer, please tell me the process about promote CPA offer with Youtube. If wanna give me a example video in this process this are very helpfull for me. Thanks in Advance
  2. Shohrab Hossain

    Social Bookmarking Works For SEO?

    technically means: relevant site and category and also Try to bookmark from different IP after some bookmark.
  3. Shohrab Hossain

    Social Bookmarking Works For SEO?

    yes google working social bookmarking, but if you not work with technically maybe you got plenty from Google.
  4. Shohrab Hossain

    Looking for Craigslist tips

    Use DSLROOT and solve this problem. This is best ip for craigslist posting. But DSLROOT cost high , if you want low cost ip use vip72 :)
  5. Shohrab Hossain

    Is PeerFly still alive?

    Contact support in peerfly. Also test your current status your application reject or pending.
  6. Shohrab Hossain

    Best Hosting Service?

    Try hostgator . This is the best i seen ever.
  7. Shohrab Hossain

    YouTube 301+ Views Problem

    I shared my real life experience. I face this problems lots of time.
  8. Shohrab Hossain

    Who Can Post Last

    Last post. Doesn't allow others post today :p:p:p
  9. Shohrab Hossain

    YouTube 301+ Views Problem

    If your view fast sometimes paused 301+ views. After 1-2 days automatically add your all view. Don't worry about this
  10. Shohrab Hossain

    Average Profit per T-shirt in TeeSpring?

    Try to average profit $10 per T-shirt. Here you can advertising cost from $10. My average target $10-12 per T-Shirt.
  11. Shohrab Hossain

    Review Ringpertner is Scam!!

    I will contact with ringpartner compliance team lots of time . They are very unresponsive. Actually this team is only for how to suck your balance. Not legal review my account. Lots of time i message compliance team why suspend my account. They don't any answer me. Also try to contact with...
  12. Shohrab Hossain

    Review Ringpertner is Scam!!

    Yes i have evidence ringpartner not make my payment. Try to contact with ringpartner lots time for make me payment. No response. Really a scam network. Please don't try to work with ringpartner. Thannks