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Recent content by slingads

  1. slingads

    Official Sling Ads [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. slingads

    Review DateProfits $4700 ****! Big S****er!

    Unfortunately we have seen a lot of quality issues with mainstream dating traffic. The biggest red flag is that you cloaked your real address. Quality is hard to verify when the leads first come in. The advertiser most likely looked at how many people were actually legitimate signups and how...
  3. slingads

    Official Sling Ads [Deleted]

    slingads submitted a new resource: Sling Ads - Performance-Based Marketing Read more about this resource...
  4. slingads

    Offer Wanted CPL offers that accepts email traffic.

    careful guys, he might just be trying to get on your platform
  5. slingads

    Monetising Email List

    thelegend, you have the exact point. If you remember anything it should be this
  6. slingads

    Monetising Email List

    Advice looks solid so far. Pretend like you are the person receiving the emails. You definitely wouldn't want someone offering you products and services. Tell them a story about a hardship, tap into an emotion, engage them, give them value, use your copy writing skills. Out of your 400 some will...
  7. slingads

    Best Week for a While

    nice man
  8. slingads

    I would say we killed it..

    Back on it guys 2017-07-25_0905
  9. slingads

    I would say we killed it..

    thanks guys, we all know that campaigns like this are a once a year deal, theres a lo of competition out there nowdays. We tested the same offers against one another, for some reason one offer/lp page simply out performed the others..
  10. slingads

    I would say we killed it..

    thanks man, it was a grind, but we were able to get it optimized and ran it daily.. not all of that is profit of course
  11. slingads

    I would say we killed it..

    Just finished this up, the last 3 months.. 2017-07-21_1022 2017-07-21_1020
  12. slingads

    Official BeMob

    Same rules and conditions to filter traffic on the path?
  13. slingads

    Official BeMob

    well then voluum vs bemob So you are offering the same services as voluum but the price is half as much. Why?...
  14. slingads

    Voluum Rules

    Have you guys thought about using a pass through offer to safepage? Then after the ad is approved switch over to path with the actual offer?