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Recent content by TheNotoriousBIG

  1. TheNotoriousBIG

    my first follow along, just do it, Updated daily

    I have been following this journey, Great Results!
  2. TheNotoriousBIG

    my first follow along, just do it, Updated daily

    I tried to message you a few times on skype
  3. TheNotoriousBIG

    Search PPC Follow Along - Lead Gen Offer

    Are you going to try scale up? And what network is your traffic coming from?
  4. TheNotoriousBIG

    my first follow along, just do it, Updated daily

    Ok hopefully it works, I have a lot of experience with shopify
  5. TheNotoriousBIG

    my first follow along, just do it, Updated daily

    Your cpc and ctr could be a lot better. Are you making a profit?
  6. TheNotoriousBIG

    [Case Study] Experimenting Expired Domain Traffic

    How much did all the domain names cost you?
  7. TheNotoriousBIG

    Reverse Engineering Money S01E03 - Honor your work

    Great post, Very informative for people starting with shopify :D
  8. TheNotoriousBIG

    Kings Never Die (& haters can chortle my balls <3)

    One thing I don't really get is what sort of landing page you use for this sort of offer. I always thought something that just opens the app store would be good but im not really sure.
  9. TheNotoriousBIG

    Popads + AdCombo Journey

    What like just "Win a free iPhone" sort of stuff? Do you have any sort of experience with this sort of stuff, would love to ask a few questions?
  10. TheNotoriousBIG

    Popads + AdCombo Journey

    Ok il try this. Also most of the pre made landing pages seem like they are designed to be used with adwords and not pop traffic, so do you recommend using a custom landing page?
  11. TheNotoriousBIG

    Popads + AdCombo Journey

    Ok thanks. I will give these offers a try. I always thought you need a big budget to start with adult offer though since its so competitive?
  12. TheNotoriousBIG

    How to make $500 USD per day with pay per call.

    So you mean basically dont pay for your ads?
  13. TheNotoriousBIG

    Popads + AdCombo Journey

    To try fund some of my bigger ads I am going to try get a small ROI with popads. I will be trying to use Asia+Lower tier traffic. Does anyone have any tips before I start?