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  1. M

    Best option for promoting your site

    Hi George, to tell you the truth, i hardly sell at my blog. i only have one image link and adsense ad on my blog. i mainly use my blog as a platform for list building. about getting ENOUGH traffic, i write articles mainly to get readers to go to my blog. hope that help...
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    Best option for promoting your site

    Hi George, Just to let you know first, there is NO best option to promote your site. You have to flexible in affiliate marketing. And if I were to choose among the 4 options. I personally will take blogging. This is because I am free to write about anything to my niche. I can put in what...
  3. M

    One affiliate program or many ?

    great tip Ron. :) and farmer, are you going to make any recommendation to your prosepcts in option 2? Or are you just going to let your prospects choose? because people often leave a site when you don't have specific instruction for them. it is not that option 2 won't work. just that...
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    Need some help getting started

    Hi 808faded, the overwhelmed and procrastinating felt so familiar. i think many of us here have been through that stage. i hope you have started your business and hope everything is on track. true enough, article marketing can seems scary when you started out initially. still, it gets better...
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    Newbie from sunny South Africa

    Hi jacques10, By Ezines, do you mean ezinearticles? i personally use them and i do find their recent rules are quite strict. but taking another look, i think it is good of them to tighten the regulation too. that means, the articles that got through are the one with quality but that is what i...
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    Looking for advice, a mentor, anything

    Hi Eric, At least you are clear that you don't want to get tangled with the get rich scam on the net. Like Linda said, you need to check out the stickies here. By the way, it is great that you are starting to look at your niches. Just be sure that you are looking at something to your interest...
  7. M

    Can anyone help me??

    Hi jonathan, Since you have a full time job in a company, can you share something about your job in blog? What I meant was what you are doing must benefit somebody. If you are an accountant, maybe you can share some tips about tax management on your blog. I hope you get what I mean...
  8. M

    Article Submitters - do they work?

    Hi Kian88, For me, I can't really answer your question because I am not sure what you want to achieve with the paid article directories. You need to know the conversion rate to what you want to justify whether the paid article directories is worth investing or not. Do you want to increase...
  9. M

    In the Forums Opinion... Best Affiliate Program?

    For bmckenzie & Linda, You all are welcome. Just glad that I can help. :D
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    In the Forums Opinion... Best Affiliate Program?

    Hi bmckenzie, Every affiliate marketer is looking for the best affiliate program and like what Linda said, there really is no best affiliate program. Still 5 star has this affiliate directory which you need to take a look at. You might find an affiliate pgrogram that suits you. Pay...
  11. M

    Article Submitters - do they work?

    You are welcome. :D
  12. M

    Article Submitters - do they work?

    Hi angelmre2005, It does sound great that you can submit one article to hundreds of sites in one click but a lot of times those are just hype. That 'one click' is actually the final step which you click the 'submit' button but before that you need to do some copy and paste from your original...
  13. M

    Is it your passion or customers taste?

    Hi ceanunobi, Welcome to the business of affiliate marketing. What I can tell you is that this business really pays and it pays a lot with the fact that you work hard for it. If you want to start earning money ASAP, then it is tons of hard work to it. So, are you up to it? I am not trying...
  14. M

    For Everyone - Not Just For Newbie

    Great quote, helen_gracio, Hope that we can practise the quotes and achieve our goals. :D
  15. M

    For Everyone - Not Just For Newbie

    Yes.Yes. :D My friend read a lot and really a lot. Motivation does take action. :D
  16. M

    For Everyone - Not Just For Newbie

    My friend sent me this quote and I just want to share with all of you: ?To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.? - Anatole France (1844-1924) I am so lucky to have friend to motivate me when I am down. :o
  17. M

    Question about Affiliate?

    Thanks Linda, I like the statement. :o I have been practising that since I paid too much for things that sound too good and easy. Just wish that I know you when I started the business.:( But anyway, you only get smarter when make more mistakes. Thanks again. :o
  18. M

    Question about Affiliate?

    By the way, Linda, Is there no way that I can make money from promoting private label right products? I know that sounds silly but I just need to know so that I can stop dreaming about that. Thank you.
  19. M

    My passion is...

    Hi waller38, I don't know much about classic muscle cars but I think you can give your niche a try. I found that there is only 173,000 sites on google about "air conditioning for classic muscle cars". compare to 707,000 sites about "classic muscle cars". Still if I were you, I will start...
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    Question about Affiliate?

    Linda, again, you have shown what a true person you are from the post. I have been into the same situation as mekap04. Believing that the private label rights products are going to make huge money for me. Hey, I don't need to create the product and I get all the money for myself. It sounded...