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  1. C

    Pay per lead question

    What you are looking for is called "host and post" i know that neverblue has some of these. Basically you host the form on your site/LP and post the addresses back to the company and they pay for the leads.
  2. C

    Purchasing an established website

    ok, cool, what about a wholesale web business instead of affiliate marketing?? Prob the wrong place to ask....
  3. C

    Purchasing an established website

    linda, how do i check for hidden links and diy what do you mean by cookie cutter????
  4. C

    Purchasing an established website

    Hi, I am considering scraping together some cash to purchase an established website has anyone here got any advice or can anyone tell me why this is not a good idea???
  5. C

    Short term strategy to get the ball rolling

    that makes a lot of sense, thak you will try and see how it goes.... will post results here...
  6. C

    Short term strategy to get the ball rolling

    ok, i have started building a large informative website on babies but there is so much i want to put there before i start properly marketing the site (no point attracting traffic to a half built website!) i was wondering if anyone can help me with a short term strategy to start the ball rolling...
  7. C

    Aussie Newbie

    reply Thank you for your help, and sorry for the confusion Quote "where do i start on a budget of zero!!" end quote was not meant as a question but a statement of what i am most frustrated at.....i am filtering through the mass of info in the newbie forum now.....
  8. C

    Aussie Newbie

    Hey all My name is Ben (your friendly neighborhood terrorist!!) i am an absolute newbie to this fascinating business and joined 5star cause i am determined to make this work without sinking lots of money into it first. I started really enthusiastically but have been absolutely overloaded with...