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  1. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    I am glad too! Trial and error :)
  2. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    ALL FIXED So the reason why it was crediting up to 5 times was because I had the wrong response text!!
  3. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    So now the issue is that bevcause OfforToro thinks that the postback failed, the user is credited 4 times instead of once as the system is trying to send it again and again until success. It's just one problem after another now!
  4. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    SOLVED!!!! The reason was because i put "sig" instead of "signature"! Even though on their site they say "sig" Everything is fixed and the user gets credited. However, OfferToro still send me "postbackfailed" email even though everything works fine now. Is there a way to remove the email...
  5. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    My IP filters are off . I have also tried to change my signature to this: MD5([oid]-[user_id]-[myappid]) And still, the postbacklog says wrong signature! :( And my signature variable is "sig" Status variable is "status" with 1 as successful and 0 as reversed seriously don't know what's wrong...
  6. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    I made a support ticket 2 days ago and they have not gotten back to me yet.
  7. S

    OfferToro Postback Issues

    So offertoro is a offerwall network and for 2 days now i have been trying to configure my postback setting with them. But everytime i test the post back it says "wrong signature". I have put the signiture template and added my appkey as shown in their guide but still I get "wrongsigniture" in my...
  8. S

    Anybody use UseTitan?

    Hey Tom, Thanks for your review! Are you experienced in coding and manipulation of code? I am not, however, I still want to be able to do things manually. For example adding different rewards that users can redeem.
  9. S

    Anybody use UseTitan?

    I was searching up some GPTscripts and I came across UseTitan. If you use UseTitan, how is the support? Cavalier, if you can tell us about your experience with them that would be great! And the general user activity on your site. Thanks alot everyone for your help!