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Search results for query: clickbank

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  1. hitthemark

    Is anyone else out there promoting the Clickbank product "His Secret Obsession" & more importantly having success?

    Is anyone else out there promoting the Clickbank product "His Secret Obsession" & more importantly having success?
  2. S

    I didn't receive last week payment from clickbank Today is Saturday

    Clickbank payment issued on 12th July but I thought payment normally get into account Tuesday to Thursday but it's too late, Does this same issue happened to anyone of you please tell me
  3. K

    FB ads + Clickbank = ZERO conversions

    I tested 3 products on Clickbank through Facebook ads and here is what happened Tested lookalike audiences from vendors ad > LP >Offer VSL all metrics on FB were good CTR was above 10% CPC was around $0.30 LP CTR was around 60% Product 1 Hops: 219 Order form impressions: 2 Sales: 0 Product...
  4. OscarMike

    Is it possible to direct link to a Clickbank offer using Facebook Ads?

    ...internet for this answer but all of the answers that have come up are from 5 years ago. Is it possible to run Facebook Ads directly to a Clickbank affiliate offer with no landing page in 2024? Are affiliate links allowed in Facebook ads? For instance, Custom Keto Diet has a Facebook...
  5. P

    Seeking Help want to learn clickbank affiliate with fb ads i need full guidence

    Hello friends I'm new here as affiliator can you please help me. My queries are - 1 - I know how to make landing page but i dont know what kind of content I can put in landing page for Example - if I promote a Product like Exipure can I use Exipure name in my landing page or information that...
  6. D

    About Clickbank

    What is the best affiliate marketing platform?
  7. I

    Seeking Help Can I use Pinterest conversion ads to promote ClickBank products?

    Hey there, I hope everyone is doing okay. I want to try to promote ClickBank products with Pinterest ads. I have a couple of questions that I can't find definite answer to anywhere. First, am I allowed to link the ads directly to my hoplink? People say yes, but they also say that redirects...
  8. B

    Technical Help for ClickBank Postback staff know nothing about programming... (Having bad experience asking them how to deal with the following case) From this page: ClickBank Instant Notifcation Testing Tool You can see that,{clickid} The {clickid} should be append to my...
  9. B

    Is it possible to get gravity score history of an offer of clickbank?

    I'd like to know how this score changing through out the year. Thank you
  10. Mo Shafik

    ClickMeter - ClickBank

    How can I add a ClickMeter S2S link to ClickBank?
  11. B

    How can a seller on ClickBank break through Gravity Score 0.

    ...Page goes: I just wonder which kind of affiliates would run an offer with no guarantee to sale at all. My guess is sellers themselves must first buy their own products to raise the score to attract affiliates. What do you think about how a seller on ClickBank can break through Gravity...
  12. CPV Lab Pro

    Guide on how to setup and track ClickBank with CPV Lab Pro

    I know many of you are using ClickBank for your campaigns, that is why we have a new video guide ready to help you out. The guide offers details on how to setup ClickBank (as you know, it needs some special settings) and how to create the campaign in CPV Lab by using ClickBank offers. The...
  13. acm777

    Hello Everyone! I just want to share some results.I am trying different products with Clickbank luck. I am open to any feedback & Sorry for my ignorance on my result. I am open to any feedback or any questions. Thank you Everyone. The road might not look clear but I know my destination and I am not stoping ! Thank you once again. I am promoting a product called Prezentar from clickbank.
  14. C

    I am absolutely desperate! PLEASE HELP! has been great so far. I got all the way up to the point where I post my ad but I can't because my Facebook pixel is not firing on the clickbank checkout/confirmation page. I did everything to a T, I put in the "access token" and the pixel code into the "add tracking code" section and then...
  15. omgisFREDy

    many hops, many initial Order Form Impressions and 0 sales, top 1 clickbank product

    I'm having a good cost per click on the ad "about 13 cents per click" a low cost of printing and a good ctr (about 13.5%) on average 55% of people who arrive at the landing page go to the sales, some arrive at checkout but so far I haven't made any sales, what should I do? choose a new offer...
  16. Habibul


    My clickbank account is disable after 10 months. I have lost $140. How can I get back my account?
  17. OscarMike

    CPA Offers vs Clickbank

    If you were a beginner at IM and you had a choice between promoting email submit cpa offers or clickbank, which would you choose? I would choose CPA offers because it's easier, when done properly, to sell something that is free. With the right marketing angle, email submit offers can be...
  18. firstcards

    Writing a Product review.. please guide me

    I’m trying to order a gig on fiverr, for “clickbank product review” What kind of instructions would I give to the seller, to ensure the contents is 100% plagiarism free, and also it’s search engine readers and search engine friendly?
  19. OscarMike

    How to tell if the customer bought through my Clickbank affiliate link?

    Hi all, I'm interested in selling CB products via email marketing. Is there a way to tell if a subscriber has bought through my affiliate link in an email? If they bought a product, I don't want to keep trying to sell that same product to that particular subscriber. I'd like to move on to...
  20. Chevelle

    Hello everyone

    Hi, new to this forum and looking to learn and share information.