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  • Users: Graybeard
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  1. Graybeard

    FB & Meta Ad buyers --Updates

    Facebook (Meta websites) has introduced new ad tools just for the holiday season, offering advertisers more flexibility and efficiency. The updates include features like promo code highlights, which make it easier customers to apply discounts. AI-enabled Advantage+ shopping campaigns now...
  2. Graybeard

    A Checklist for Successful Ads

    You need to start with a offer that works and is a realistic value. The 'Mindmap" tp follow: 1. change the attached file from .html.txt to just .html (remove .txt) To use this form: example: you can copy and paste your tracking file of what you have completed --no tool or lagging...
  3. Graybeard

    Black Market AI

    Not sure why anyone is that surprised by this. Many humans are basically evil Sleeper :D And the beat goes on ...
  4. Graybeard

    How to Convert Cross-Border GEO Affiliate Offers

    Steps to Converting Cross-Border GEO Affiliate Offers Often I see affiliates buying traffic from foreign countries because the price is less. That's not necessarily bad but you have to tailor your offer to be price competitive in that foreign country's market. In other words: You can't...
  5. Graybeard

    Dummy Donald --AI Video

    Dreams, Dreams I did this :rofl:rofl:rofl Hurry up before Elmo Clownshoes bans me!
  6. Graybeard

    Free Website Link Blacklist Tool

    This is the website link blacklist tool. Good luck to the winners! If you run this free check; post your opinions and/or comments to this thread.
  7. Graybeard

    Joey Blackhat -- A Cloaking Fantasy

    Joey knows that the game can’t last forever and the penalties for getting caught are severe. Yet, as he stares at the screen, a smirk forms on his lips. The rush of bragging, the thrill of outsmarting the giants. Wash rinse and repeat until you get banned over and over.
  8. Graybeard

    AI Search Engine Video

    So, tell me about AI Search and how it will rule! settings>select 1080 This is the logo based on my prompts try this-- a abstract pyramid with the sci-fi <O> <O> 2 eyes ummm??? Looks like Ubuntu and Target got married. Next: WTF is this mess --:roflClapping:eek:
  9. Graybeard

    Work is Life: Dystopian A.I. Video

    Back to the future :D
  10. Graybeard

    Testing YouTube and AI Videos

    I don't know how valid of a test this will be really --I have absolutely no rep on "my channel" :D ChatGPT4o did the voice over, after my back and forth prompts, and Claude did all the ffmepg code after I prompted code revision specifications for it. Voice credit: ChatGPT4o + Me Image...
  11. Graybeard

    Review AI talks SEO - Video

    This video is a bit rough but the code was a bitch to capture off my HDMI audio converter --the voice is OpenAI's ChatGPT 4o barry@DS-12:~$ ffmpeg -f pulse -i alsa_output.pci-0000_e5_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra2.monitor -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 output.mp3 Then to overlay the audio over the...
  12. Graybeard

    Amazon ads on TikTok

    Looks like Amazon is becoming a direct advertiser with in-app integration of purchases.
  13. Graybeard

    Do you test your conversion funnel?

    ...for an affiliate's use. But this might work well for a free registration and the email verification follow-along. You may need to get permission if a SOI or a DOI generates a CPA event from your affiliate manager, so the event is not seen as a *fraud* note: attached files are DOS format *.txt
  14. Graybeard

    Why you should be polite to AI

    10 years later ...
  15. Graybeard

    Refresh this page Need an identity? Or (_____)
  16. Graybeard

    How to save on heating bills this winter

    AI and I went round and round, about building Solar air space heating boxes outside and --then pushing the heated air into auxiliary ducts in my attic --then venting the hot air from the boxes into the house. The capital cost and the recovery breakeven might be 4 -7 years --not acceptable to...
  17. Graybeard

    US Anti-trust Ruling: Google is a Monopoly

    Now that Google has been labeled a monopolist --Google has reached a fork in the road. Appeal to the Higher Courts is almost guaranteed. Meanwhile, GOOG stock has taken a bad beating Here is an overview article: I narrowed our instant interest down with AI units: this is to...
  18. Graybeard

    Up to date browsers and sales conversions

    ...all browsers auto-update now? Do you know that only people that don't have the money to use current supported operating systems and what you call *bots* use fixed browser versions? If your conversion is SOI/DOI this probably is not critical but when your offer is CPS, rev-share for some...
  19. Graybeard

    Attack of the killer AI?

    >>>``quote However, critics argue that AI policy shouldn't be led by outlandish fears of future systems that resemble science fiction more than current technology. "SB-1047 was originally drafted by non-profit groups that believe in the end of the world by sentient machine, like Dan Hendrycks'...
  20. Graybeard

    OnlyFans hits the Fan!

    Reuters just decided OnlyFans is very *evil* and it made a full feature "investigation" headline this morning I no longer regret not executing my "porn social media platform" 10 years ago --I thought it would be a giant legal hassle in the US. You can expect the US Congress to possibly get...