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  • Users: nurit
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  1. N

    Share Yours Internet Online Goals!!!

    Hi, I'd like for you to share with other members your goals. Short Term and Long term is applicable For instance my short term goal is to start up my newest website and reach a high PR and top positions for my keywords and once done so proceed to launch my second and so on until all 5 are...
  2. N

    Hi All

    Hi, Great to meet here between all of us forum members. Sure you will meet a lot of wonderful people here as it’s great discussion forum. Welcome to this Informative Community!! -- Wish you very happy time ever. Nurit
  3. N

    Top Scary Movie Ever for You??

    Hi, I do not like watch Scary or Horror Movies, In fact will never waste mine time for it in future also. But If you like to watch this type of Scary Movies then please tell here to all members which is the movie that scares you most? I asked this question to mine loving elder brother also...
  4. N


    Hi, Hope you will be fit and fine. This is a great forum. You will be really enjoyed here between us. Best of luck........ From Nurit...
  5. N

    Most Idiol Person for you??

    Hi, There are lots of our family members,relatives, friends, neighbours around us in all type of Life Situation. So Let’s share about that,”From which person have you learned most in your life??” -- Nurit
  6. N

    Do you like staying at home?

    Hi, No, I do not like to stay home. But always try make new contacts by attending parties, social events etc.
  7. N

    Broke New Years Resolutions yet!!

    Respected All Members, Just was wondering if any of you broke your resolutions yet, I have not had time to break mine yet.
  8. N

    This Saree is costlier than a Ferrari Car

    Wow what a news is this? i cant belive this but still i have to belive.. i would love to get one for me like this but i am not that much reach who can wear such a wonderful but expensive saree.... but this is really amazing..... Thank You Very Much for sharing..
  9. N

    How Do You Release Office Stress?

    I'm not working in office but working as a home base. I'm also get stressed with my routine. But all I do is eat foods and drink plenty of water. It really helps to fight stress that given by your work.
  10. N

    Teenagers are now Screenagers?

    Yes I think this is accurate, I am a teenage and since i am on summer holidays now I am spending alot of time on computers, watching tv, ps3, etc. Though I do go out alot as well.
  11. N

    World Smallest Violin

    lol, that's just useless.
  12. N

    What’s the dumbest thing you have ever done?

    i overslept my work as i forgot to set my alarm clock and i was two hours later for my work. And i got a notice.
  13. N

    Importance of Smile in our Life

    Increases your face value - Ohh.. I love it! hahaha That makes me smile!!!
  14. N

    Gratitude – the key for true happiness

    Excellent share.....buddy! You have hit the nail on the head. It is so very much true to a good peaceful living. If only such feelings came naturally to all, this world would be a heaven on earth! Regards, Nurit
  15. N

    Share with us the stuff you wanna get for Christmas?

    You know I never make a list of what I want as I feel happy about every present I get and I think it's a bit selfish to make a list of presents and then ask people to give all this.
  16. N

    Profiles with girl’s Pics and Websites

    yes friend its a big technique if you have a girl pic as profile pic you can extend your friends circle people specially male would like to make you as friend.
  17. N

    Friend talks bad about everyone why?

    Well, i guess she's traumatized on what have had come off to her, physical abused, rape or verbal abused. She's afraid to trust to anyone, she only thinks that everybody around her will do the same thing that had happened to her before. She do ganjas and xanax, considering the fact that its her...
  18. N

    Do you believe in Online Relationship / Cyber Partner?

    I think that online relations can't be reliable as well as long - because you can't be confident in frankness of your partner!!!
  19. N

    What Are Your Guilty Pleasures?

    Being 26 year old, i like 30-40 aged mature ladies, and its not right. i feel guilty for this.
  20. N

    God's Pharmacy! Amazing!

    I am reading this piece of information for the first time, though was aware of the resemblance of walnut to the human brain. Rest all are pretty much eye-opener for me! Realistic....your posts are surely very true to your nick! Regards, Nurit