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  1. Gamerseo


    The scope of website optimization is terribly broad. It would be good to define your goals. For now, I recommend your blog. There are a few posts on the topic of optimisation.
  2. Gamerseo

    a way to get my first 1000 subscribers on my youtube channel

    Chatgpt but you still need to view posts created by AI.
  3. Gamerseo

    Video --> 10 E-Commerce Store Tips to Boost Sales

    Very interesting and valuable tips.
  4. Gamerseo

    Seeking Help Youtube Channel

    Why not create your YouTube channel from scratch?
  5. Gamerseo

    Are you succeeding? Why or why not?

    Being successful is only the first part. The real feat is to maintain success for a long time.
  6. Gamerseo


    The metaverse doesn't have a lot of interest so I doubt it will survive and grow.
  7. Gamerseo

    Do you think SEO may cease to exist?

    Probably not possible. There will always be work for people like us.
  8. Gamerseo

    Improving Keyword Ranking in Google Search Engine Nowadays

    Things haven't changed much. There are nuances, but generally the works are similar.
  9. Gamerseo

    Why some sites allow NoFollow links?

    The nofollow attribute on pages is the basics of seo. However, nofollow links are also needed.
  10. Gamerseo

    It's good to put multiple domains to one web hosting?

    If you mean one hosting in the sense of one account, you should always keep a reserve in case one of our sites gains popularity.
  11. Gamerseo

    Seeking Help New to the forum! Looking for ways to promote my affiliate program

    There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum as well as on other blogs. It will be a good idea to post interesting entries on this topic and ask for details. It's hard to give advice right now because every project is different.
  12. Gamerseo

    For you, what is the most frustrating thing you find about guest posting?

    It happens that what is supposed to be published has shortcomings.
  13. Gamerseo

    AI Monetization is Inevitable

    It's rather logical. AI chatbots can already help with SEO, for example. It's inevitable that it will be paid.
  14. Gamerseo

    8 common mistakes when starting a business

    Great tips for beginners.
  15. Gamerseo

    a way to get my first 1000 subscribers on my youtube channel

    It is unlikely that our industry will die in the near future.
  16. Gamerseo

    Which platform is best for an E-commerce Website?

    Woocommerce for small projects is great.
  17. Gamerseo

    New to the forum

    Welcome to the forum
  18. Gamerseo

    Social Media for advertising campaigns

    First of all, you need to verify which portals your potential customers are on.
  19. Gamerseo

    ChatGPT Laws and Regulations

    it will be a real revolution
  20. Gamerseo

    How We Can Make Money With Copy writing?

    If you want to write, look for clients. There are certainly portals where clients are looking for copywriters.