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  1. J

    Start Affiliate Blog - Step by step and COOL Tools

    Really helpful tool, I think I should read more over it.
  2. J

    Can anybody here help me to choose an antivirus program?

    AVG is the one of an best anti virus software with number of features available to keep your PC protected. AVG offers a great solution for the Virus Problem.
  3. J


    Yes, put it on the same blog as you said you have few article written on it.. Write more articles and publish it on the your blog to increase traffic. Concentrating on one blog will give you better results.
  4. J

    Why 95% of Marketers Fail to Make Money Online

    There are a number of reasons for failing in affiliate marketing. As most of the people do it as a part time work besides daily job. Spending less time here means low chance of promoting the program. In this world, patience is one of an most essential thing as many search for fast traffic...
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    Article Spinners: What Are Your Thoughts?

    Spinning articles, it really don't work as the article create confusion sometimes. So its better to create manually to keep quality work and also give better result.
  6. J

    Don't Use FREE Blog Hosting! 73,000 Blogs Just Got Shut Down

    Thats shocking news for the bloggers who have hosted with that free hosting service as they lose their earning, using free hosting is not the permanent solution for the websites. Instead of that using Blogger is one of an good way in which bloggers will not have to face these issues.
  7. J

    YouTube SEO Secrets for Affiliate Marketers

    Video Marketing has become one of the powerful strategy in SEO and specially Youtube has given the results more then any other networks. I have tried Videos before some time and i use to post "How to" videos on the video networks which gave me good results.
  8. J

    Article traffic Issues

    I can’t say that 1000views can come through articles, even if your article get hits on article directory it should convert traffic to your website. So it depend upon the quality of the article. So around 300-400 hits can be possible if you have something unique.
  9. J

    Other than Twitter and Facebook

    Hello willougbys, Have you tried this site before? Do you own any community here? Let me know if any.
  10. J

    Article traffic Issues

    Hi, I would suggest you to post your articles atleast in top20 article directories, as you are submitting in ezine is the good way to get traffic. But also try some other directories. Submitting in top 20 sites will give you good result.
  11. J

    Facebook and Twitter: Are you using them?

    It is the fact that without these networks is not possible to create a strong community, as nowadays half of the people in internet regularly using Facebook is that what I believe.
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    Viral Marketing: A meeting of the minds

    That nice to hear that you are already working on it, but make sure that the eBook you will be publishing is informative to others something which is interesting to read. This will give you good results.
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    Viral Marketing: A meeting of the minds

    Viral Marketing - Publishing a eBook is an good technique, you can write a ebook related to your services, if the eBook is interesting one it get popular withing short period.
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    Benefits of Video Marketing

    Video Marketing will not increase your website traffic, it is a type of Branding , I mean it will make your product popular. But for that you need to make a attractive video to pull audience . And also you need to build up a network in video sites to increase views of the video.
  15. J

    Other than Twitter and Facebook

    Hello Everyone, Can any one suggest some good social networking websites except Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin through which we can build community same like the above sites? I think there are many available on internet, but i need the best which are currently used by you guys. Thank You
  16. J

    Common Affiliate Mistakes

    Hi Laura, I want to say that the I have seen some affiliate promoters don?t use their own content while promoting the products for.ex creating Articles, there are many who use Articles as the tool to promote the products, but it has been observed that they don?t create own content instead of...
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    How to do SEO for flash based site

    Even i don't work with flash, but i think Google prefer flash sites after the launch of Caffeine, but your website can do well in Bing if the site in built under flash. Bing loves flash sites and the response will be much better.
  18. J

    Common Affiliate Mistakes

    Hello Everyone, I have opened this thread to know and share something here that what are the general mistakes does affiliates promoter usually make Here are some - Create your own Content - it is the not possible to create best quality content every time, but creating own content will...
  19. J

    Does Article Submitting Really Work?

    yes, submitting articles in different article directory will give good result as you get unique backlink to your website. But you have to be sure that creating as many unique articles will give out better result.