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  • Users: azlan
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  1. A

    How many affiliate networks are you using?

    I'm in Amazon Associates and a few CPA networks. That's the easy part, the hard part is trying to generate the traffic to throw the offers at lol.
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    Your Own Private Blog Network?

    You may have heard of creating your own private blog network for SEO purposes. Is this something anyone has experience of or would consider doing and does it actually work? Could be a risky venture as considerable investment would be required to build such a network up.
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    About link Building!

    I would add that the important metric you're linking is the keywords you're trying to rank. This is known as anchor text and you would want to mix it up a bit with at least 60% as your main keyword.
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    Any New Social Media Website Producing Quick Traffic??

    Apart from those already mentioned, I've heard people getting success with Tumblr
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    Favorite Coffee Chain?

    Hi, I was out in the city center recently and could not help notice all the different coffee shops all over the place and the thing is they were all packed out, I initially went into Costa but it was hard to locate or see the menu so I went across the street into Starbucks. Do you have a...
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    What is your favorite summer dessert?

    Mango Milkshake! Mango is definitely a summer treat as it's only available in the summer.
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    How Long Have You Been Making Money Online?

    I think getting a coach to train you in affiliate marketing is a good ideas as it can appear overwhelming and really complicated. Which specialists do you recommend?
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    Link Building Strategy?

    So, I'm guessing you can't just go around blindly building links or can you? What is your strategy for link building? Do you for example build links from different sources and at consistent velocity? Do you use a structure like link wheels or pyramids or do you just try and blast as many links...
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    What's Your Idea Of A Great Holiday?

    Some people just like to lie by the pool and sunbathe, whilst others would might prefer more active activities like go carting and sightseeing tours. What is your ideal holiday?
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    Content Locking

    I guess it probably wouldn't make too much of a difference if the visitor is desperate enough to get access to whatever you're offering, they'll either hit the back button or complete the offer with or without giveaway. No harm in testing it out though.
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    Done For You Sites

    Are they selling their own stuff? Or is it all online like dropshipping or affiliate offers? Sounds great, but might be difficult if not got your own stuff to sell.
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    Ever bought an Ebook?

    I have in the past when I didn't know any better :frown: Most of them are not really worth the price being charged, the sales pages and claims can make them very tempting. I wouldn't now though buy an ebook as I think it's important to start taking action on something and just learning on the...
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    The general thread

    Might as well get a mention, and howdy all :D
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    How to monetize a food related site?

    One powerful way could be to build a list, so you could offer like a free newsletter with recipes and whatnot. Then you can market to your list in the future with affiliate products or your own.
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    Racism in sport

    I think it's a lot better in the UK than it used to after steps to curb it over the years. some countries are at least 20 years behind the UK when it comes to racism in sport that's why foreign players like Suarez may be get caught out. It's all about education and to show players and fans alike...
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    Done For You Sites

    Has anyone had experience of buying "done for you sites" which could be Amazon or Adsense type sites for monetizing? These can be costly but can they be successful, making you more money than you've invested?
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    What are your favorite pizza toppings?

    My favorite main topping is chicken tikka. I like to accompany this with pineapple, onions and sweetcorn.
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    How do you like your Subway Sandwich?

    I like tuna cheese melt with hearty Italian bread. I load it up with plenty of salad, the only thing I don't like adding is black olives. I like to top it off with sweet onion sauce and have the sandwich toasted as well.
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    Are You Happy With Your Online Money Making Activities?

    As I don't have the capital needed for some projects I have in mind, I have to do a lot of the grunt work myself which may include things like writing articles and building backlinks. I'd far rather be in a position whereby I'm more managing the projects than actually do the running around. If I...