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  1. michaelmosesson

    Yet Another Mobile PPV Journey

    Hey guys, I recently started running mobile ppv and decided beforehand that I'd run a follow along beside my campaigns. Previously I've built niche amazon sites with varied results. However, they generated 100% "free" traffic and I found it pretty hard to scale. So mobile PPV it is. I'm gonna...
  2. michaelmosesson

    Complete Mobile Marketing Newbie Journey - trying to be optimistic

    Loving this thread, and currently learning from it as well. Thanks for taking the time to post updates, mate!
  3. michaelmosesson

    How much do you typically spend on testing?

    No, I'm currently not using such tools. That's actually the exact case study I'm using as a reference. However, in post #10 (his initial test), he mentions that "getting a conversion or 2 during the initial test can be a good sign, but it's not required for the campaign to have potential"...
  4. michaelmosesson

    How much do you typically spend on testing?

    Hey guys, I'm running my first-ever facebook campaign for a gaming (download) offer @ $1.40 payout. I invested around $20 for my initial data and I've been optimizing the campaign based on that. My CTR was alright from the get-go, so I've been focusing on optimizing my landing page, split...
  5. michaelmosesson

    White Hat method that's brought in millions of views and thousands of dollars.

    Which social share buttons should we click on, and which social profiles do you recommend we post to? Can it be harmful posting to too many of them? I'm asking because I posted to pinterest, weheartit and fancy too.
  6. michaelmosesson

    White Hat method that's brought in millions of views and thousands of dollars.

    Sorry for this incredibly late reply. Been busy jumping between studies, work and my niche sites. I tried this once and it didn't work. However, I'm gonna give this at least a few tries and test different variables before I give up on it. My term ranked at ~#90 and has stayed there ever since.
  7. michaelmosesson

    White Hat method that's brought in millions of views and thousands of dollars.

    I've given this a shot today. I'll let you know how it turns out. If it works, thanks in advance... :)
  8. michaelmosesson

    How A Wise Swede Got Even Wiser (My 2nd Niche Site)

    Okay, since I'll be heading out today I'll only give you a quick update with images and followers. No additional mumbo-jumbo from me. I'm very happy with my following though, so keep an extra eye on that. :) Have a nice weekend, y'all! The Site Been running for 4 weeks. Here are the results...
  9. michaelmosesson

    No Content But Indexed in Google?

    If you're asking if those extra 20 days with no content will somehow make it unrankable, the answer is no. Usually it takes time getting a good ranking, so when you start creating content, don't lose hope if you don't start seeing results immediately. As long as you've made sure to not have...
  10. michaelmosesson

    I just earned my first $100 with affguru :)!

    Congratulations! Now onto the next $100 :)
  11. michaelmosesson

    How A Wise Swede Got Even Wiser (My 2nd Niche Site)

    Good question! So far I've only posted the products, because they're quite interesting on their own. However, I just finished queuing up niche related images for an entire month (2 images per day), on Facebook/Twitter/G+ and Tumblr. Hopefully I'll see an increase in the follower rate! Can't...
  12. michaelmosesson

    How A Wise Swede Got Even Wiser (My 2nd Niche Site)

    Alright guys, I suspect some of you have been waiting for an update on my progress and I just want to say how grateful I am with your patience. I'm pleased to say that some of you will find this post inspiring and hopefully get you to either start your own site or get back on working on one you...
  13. michaelmosesson

    How A Broke Swede Started Earning Online

    Absolutely! I did nothing special apart from following the course, so you have every possible chance to do the same (and way better!) :)
  14. michaelmosesson

    How A Wise Swede Got Even Wiser (My 2nd Niche Site)

    Thanks man, I appreciate knowing people are keeping an eye on what I'm up to. :) At the time I was writing the post I was so excited and it felt like my post came out a little "braggy", I guess I just needed to emphasize what my purpose of the post was. :) Have you checked out Jay's (Screw95...
  15. michaelmosesson

    How A Broke Swede Started Earning Online

    Alright guys. I'll be putting this thread on hold for a while. The reason is because it's clear to me my audience is not targeted enough and there's really no more exciting news about the site to write about right now. I'm explaining it more in detail in my other thread which you can find right...