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  1. marketingmama

    Does anyone here Twitter?

    I heart Twitter! I found Linda over there last week and was so happy I was in full freak-out. My favorite forum + my favorite ap of all time = big, big fun. If you (no, WHEN you) get to tweetin,' I recommend either Tweet Deck (works w/ Adobe air-instructions and download link are right on...
  2. marketingmama

    I'm stuck.. any help please?

    To be very honest, I really think you need to narrow down your niche a whole lot. Find something you're good at. Really good at. Trust me, you have something, maybe you just don't realize it. Ask yourself, "Am I giving people advice on something I've never actually done (i.e. "making...
  3. marketingmama

    Firefox v. 3.0

    Thanks for reminding me it's tomorrow. I'm already using the new one though. It's as slick as ever and much less cluttered than I had the other one. I love Firefox and just use IE for my webinars cuz the screenshare plugin doesn't work with FF. Sheree
  4. marketingmama

    3-Way Link Questions

    Feels a bit hokey and "forced" to me. Just my 2 cents. It's just easier to do it the natural and "white hat" ways that are just fine. Sheree
  5. marketingmama

    A Newbie Here..

    Hello, you've found a great place here. You're very fortunate to find this early like you have. Happy Learning!!! Sheree
  6. marketingmama

    Getting my toes wet...

    Right on. NO dumb questions! Sheree
  7. marketingmama

    Website ideas

    Just remember when designing your "web 2.0 look" that this is not what it's about really, at all. Web 2.0 is not graphics, it's not about using the same marketing strategies and same way of connecting as before. You can't just take all the traditional marketing and advertising stand bys, that...
  8. marketingmama

    Questions about SEO???

    Hooray for the long tail!!! Seriously, don't try ranking for something like "weight loss" or "Internet marketing" it's a waste of time. DIG DEEPER. Always always dig deeper. I ended up claiming a "brand name" out of sheer timing and luck, for sure, but be creative and try to come up...
  9. marketingmama

    What matters and what doesn't for Google ranking

    Just see what Stomper says and you'll be just fine. They are top notch classy dudes with a true helpful attitude. Sheree
  10. marketingmama

    How Often To Contact?

    Right on!!! Way to "raise the bar" for the slackers all over the place. I can never remember being contacted like you're saying by any affiliate manager for anything but more stuff to buy. Really. Way to be a role model. Keep it up, seriously. I feel very passionately about raising...
  11. marketingmama

    Best Free Method You've Ever Used in Marketing Your Business Online

    The social networking and other web 2.0 marketing scene is very misunderstood. For a whole year, I stopped ALL advertising except all things social media. It was a test, that's why. I did it in quiet till the test was done. My target market, or at least my audience I've attracted, is FAR...
  12. marketingmama


    Classy... Welcome friendly lady. It's very awesome here. I love it and tell all of my friends and contacts how real and pure they keep it. You want the truth? Confused? Here's the spot to sort things out. And, it's a good question environment, no one will ever belittle you, uless they...
  13. marketingmama

    my site wont show up on google

    "FYI engines especially Google like it better if they find your site on their own through links, so submitting directly is not really advised. Don't keep submitting, just work on getting inbound links. (Targeted links)" This is the first thing I thought of too Linda. I tell my students, a few...
  14. marketingmama

    What?s the best social posting network

    Remember to share the link love. If you're only bookmarking your own stuff, not cool. People see you as a "marketer" not a community member providing value. Plus, the term "social networking" is more accurate to describe sites like My Space, Linkedin, Ning Communities, Facebook, etc. etc...
  15. marketingmama

    New to affiliate marketing

    My advice? Promote what you know. Like if you find a good host, service, whatever, it's easier to recommend something you know about than just another meaningless link. Also, try to focus on content first. I never made a dollar until... I stopped TRYING to "make money" and just shared what...
  16. marketingmama

    How do article submission sites work?

    Thanks so much. I'm totally inspired for a short video tutorial. It's common for people to not understand these dumb things sometimes at first. I see my students say they've tried stuff this simple, yet this complicated depending on where you're at, and give up. We were all non-tech savvy at...
  17. marketingmama


    Craigslist gave me my very first dose of "hell yeah, keep it up" I EVER had. It's NOT hard. Try GIVING SOMETHING AWAY first in exchange for contact info. Try that out and use that to test advertising "feels." I started my contact building/database building success right on Craigs. I still...
  18. marketingmama

    How to get massive amounts of traffic to your site!

    With the widgets, just make sure you're not using flash widgets. They may look "cooler" but they're useless for traffic generation and constantly updated content for the SEs. Very nice of you to post up that handy list for the community. I only have one argument... I pretty much found...
  19. marketingmama

    What is affiliate marketing?

    I just wanted to add something that I feel is extremely important when beginning your affiliate marketing adventure. Many affiliates simply sell products on their site/blog and then the affiliate link takes the reader to yet more selling, if you can get them to even click through. Always...
  20. marketingmama

    Traffic delivery

    With All This, Why Even Risk It Or Waste Money? Traffic delivery services are bad news according to the best SEO people I know (i.e. Stompernet et all). First off, when they are selling gobs of visitors to your site, rarely, if ever, are they targeted anyway. Another thing they do is sell...