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  1. T

    Best article submission sites

    They still work at a level. The largest sufferer is EZA for sure, however it is already showing the signs of recovery. Other sites are mostly good for link building... for example GoArticles has never delivered many visitors, but has a good SEO value. If you want strong results, you might move...
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    Best article submission sites

    New one Hi, just got an email about Jikomboe, it is said to be a PR 4 directory, will give it a try. Also answering questions on Articlesbase can get you loads of free traffic, too.
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    Should You Use Spun Content?

    MrPolarZero, you just made a point. Google can now tell the difference between quality content and crap. And it shows in the ranking, too. (I don't know how they do it though, but clever thing)
  4. T

    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    I always create a unique one for Ezine and a unique one for my blog. That is just the way it works for me. As those two are the most important I want them to rank high and have a high click rate, too. if you are after the backlinks only, on other directories, that is OK to submit the same...
  5. T

    Word Press Blog

    Sure, that is what it is for. And unfortunately many blogs with ads do get deleted. If you are using blogger and put on affiliate links, Google can ban your account, so your revenue from all your sites' adsense will be frozen. Just not worth it.
  6. T

    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    I see. It must be frustrating, as you are trying to create a quality resource and forum and people just try to spam you. And if you let it in by accident it can damage your reputation... But you are sorted as you are manually approving members... I see many forums that are not vigilant enough...
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    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    Understand now, Minstrel. It is similar to the stuff that came out a few months ago comment bot or what and my finance blog's comment queue was full of viagra and stuff. But you can easily detect that on WP I just simply banned some referring sites and the problem got solved. Are you having...
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    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    Minstrel, I lost the thread... can you please explain?
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    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    I think he means that he builds keyword rick profiles on Web 2.0 sites, that is just a guess....
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    Adsense for RSS feeds?

    Thanks very much, that has saved me a week! :)
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    Adsense for RSS feeds?

    Hi, guys, does anyone know how to set this up? I recently added adsense to my blog and just noticed although I have a good click rate many of my visitors come through RSS. I set up a RSS ads on my Adsense but have no clue how to redirect the feeds to the new Feedburner blog. Google only...
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    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    Thanks for clarifying this! Thought so!
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    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    I believe that, however it is not proven... It might as well be true... Does that mean that Article Directories are different too, because of the design? And PR sites?
  14. T

    Need help with SEO numbers - KeyWord Popularity vs Competing Pages?

    Sure but exact match is more relevant for Google than not exact. However a PR 6 not exact match search result is going to overrank a PR 0 exact match result for sure. And you have to have a look at what is the title tag of the competing sites, too. If many of them have the exact phrase and you...
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    Word Press Blog

    Great. You will see in time that your investment is going to return. It is not even a big one. But there are loads of opportunities in a self hosted WP blog.
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    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    I agree. I keep my blog content unique though but only because it ranks better. But if duplicate content penalty existed, that would mean anyone could ruin your ranking by pulling your content and reprinting or trackback. That would not be fair. By the way: a blog post is usually different in...
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    Why your Google rankings drop and what you can do about it

    It all depends on how you react. And the attitude of the affiliate marketer. If you think of giving up there is no chance you are going to make any money online. Obstacles come and the difference between people who succeed and who do not is how they handle them. Google rankings change, but you...
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    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    Articles, comments and lenses can really get you up on the ladder!
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    Google Launches SEO Starter Guide

    Thanks for the info, I am going to look for sure.... Google is too big to be missed.
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    Duplicate Content: It's Not What You Think!

    Thanks, Minstrel for clarifying that one! I am less afraid of duplicate content now... Am I not a newbie anymore? :)