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    Niche blog site help!

    Thanks Linda, It's a product promoted through clickbank. I will go into clickbank and try to find the page which would provide this info.
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    Niche blog site help!

    Affiliate link clicks Hi Linda, I don't really know how to tell how many clicks my affiliate links are getting. I haven't purchased a software to provide me with that information. I will check for a plug-in for now, or a free software for that. That's a good question that I didn't think...
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    Niche blog site help!

    $0 conversions Hey there, No I am getting no conversions. I'm not too discouraged though. I can kinda see why after a while. People are more or less visiting my site for all of the free advice and information. No one comes to buy. I have to rethink my strategy. Think like the visitor...
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    Decent keyphrases, but no new traffic...

    Hi guys, I have been testing out the allintitle feature on a few new posts and I am seeing my pages coming up now:) Only thing is I am not receiving any visitors from these key phrases. I am using free Wordtracker and used some phrases with good search/competition ratios. To my...
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    Top SEO ebooks

    Hello, Does anyone have any recommendations on SEO books? Also any affiliate marketing books. Even if they are separate books on subjects within the business, like the separate forum threads. I've seen some on amazon that sound pretty good. Any free ones would suffice as well, but I know a...
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    Mailing list information

    Thanks Linda, Yes I do this all the time. I started going back to the "If I Could Start Over" section and started working on the mailing list and backlinks research which kinda made me rethink and overthink some thanks again
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    Mailing list information

    Hello everyone, I am in the process of creating a mailing list through my hosting account for now. It is php list via Fantastico. Now I am wondering, how many email addresses do I need for my beginning business. The mailing list has to have a name, and an email address, then i have my main...
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    Blog/Article Titles and keyphrases

    Thanks Linda, great idea, that helps out a lot. Also, just to be sure. It is not recommended to submit my url to search engines right? I have become tempted because now I'm waiting to see if I end up in the search results on purpose now, where before I just happened to pop up in search...
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    Blog/Article Titles and keyphrases

    I have found some information on this topic and would like to share it with everyone. I found the info here: Article Marketing 101: Don't Create Your Own Competition - Associated Content - It pretty much states that if you will create competition with your website if you...
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    Blog/Article Titles and keyphrases

    Hello everyone, I am about to begin article marketing, as I think I have gone far enough with adding content. As I am doing keyword research for my blog titles, I was wondering, do I use the same titles for the articles? I was thinking being that its not very easy to find a low comp, high...
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    Keyword/keyphrase placement

    Thanks Linda, I know we went through this keyword research thing before. As I progress my head starts to spin. Thanks again
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    Keyword/keyphrase placement

    Hi guys, I'm using firefox with a wordtracker seo blogger add on which counts the amount of times I place my key phrase into my blog. This confused me a bit. I know it would be horrible to place the same phrase throughout my blog, but say I have a 5 word phrase for ex. Do I have to...
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    Adding a "reviewpage.html"

    Hi everyone, I have recently learned how to add a subdomain in order to place my separate html pages such as review pages/landing pages. The only thing is, the address looks like this: ( or something like that. I forgot because now I can't view it...
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    Keyword Placement

    Placing Keywords for longer posts Hi Linda, I'm a beginner but I've recently started writing posts a little over 1000 words. When I'm describing certain topics is seems like I don't have much of a choice when it comes to adding all of this content and keyword stuffing. About how many...
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    Keyword Placement

    Hello everyone, Can anyone suggest how I should distribute keywords thoughout my blog post? To my understanding, I should place up to 15 keywords throughout my post. Now do I place 15 different keywords, or do I place for example 3 of the same and then 3 of another? And now to make...
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    Title Tags Help

    I agree with you on that. They do make mess up the aesthetics of the page and I've always looked at them as if they were just for spiders. They in turn made me click the back button within my browser because I felt the site wasnt getting enough visitors so they resorted to placing a cloud of...
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    Title Tags Help

    Thanks alot guys, Also, do the Tags that I place on the side of my page (for easy navigation for users) affect SEO? Do I place a few popular tags or do I place as many categories of tags as possible. I understand these are used to replace categories or to use in conjunction with categories...
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    Title Tags Help

    Oh okay, its in the field when you go to "edit post", then go to the "insert/edit link" icon. It's the field "Title". I just realized it's only for links though. Whatever you place in the "Title" box, becomes a description when you mouse over.
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    Title Tags Help

    There is an option within the admin panel that allows me to key in a short text description that I want to appear describing the what the page that follows is all about. Its for a word within my content, or a link.
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    Title Tags Help

    Thanks alot Linda! Also, are keywords within descriptions useful? Such as when you move the mouse arrow over a word, the short descriptions that pop up?