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  1. G

    Official Decisive [Deleted]

    Nope - they already pivoted. But you can try PocketMath.
  2. G

    Media Buying CTR 1%. Is It Good?

    It's definitely much higher than the average CTR!
  3. G

    LinkedIn PPC Success

    We've tried it before but CPCs can get pretty expensive, especially as you layer more fields of targeting on. It's definitely a high value network, but don't know if conversions are that spectacular. What I've seen work is having a really good piece of content that you are promoting, like a...
  4. G

    Facebook vs Adwords

    Facebook because of their wealth of registration data. Too bad they removed precise interests - which allowed you to target people based off groups they followed. The days of extremely granular targeting on FB are gone but there's still a lot of opportunity with Power Editor.
  5. G

    Where Do You Buy Media From?

    If you are looking for adult: Exoclick, TrafficJunky, AdXpansion, JuicyAds
  6. G

    Best traffic/ad networks?

    We actually built a centralized repository of all networks and their data + reviews. You can view all this information here:
  7. G

    the end of mobile apps?

    The barrier to create a digital asset (website, mobile app) is so low that we are now just going to have to live with fragmentation. Sure- the top players will make a huge portion of the money but because that's where consumers spend their time here will always be app developers / web publishers...
  8. G

    Sent 3,000 clicks from Airpush & Startapp = 0 conversions

    there's actually quite a large list of mobile networks out there you can test with, and you can reach out directly to them: some have average CPI/CPC data by geo & genre, and also their reach in these markets. Hope that helps!
  9. G

    Traffic Source For Banner Display Ads for Web

    there are quite a few out there - (am I allowed to post links here?) you can look at this list and grab all their contacts:
  10. G

    Are these networks are considered reliability ?

    Haven't heard of any of them.. Why not go with some of the more established players to start out and test?
  11. G

    App Install CPI worth promoting?

    It's extremely competitive, but if you know your user LTVs and Retention curves, you can definitely do well in that space. There's a whole sub-group of mobile user acquisition folks that share tips on mobile UA for games and which networks work/don't work, and are on the cutting edge of the...
  12. G

    Best Media Buying Network?

    You could actually use our free tool Thalamus (listed in tools here) and search for 'health' or 'fitness' and filter by the type of network/platform you want to work with, along with pricing model you want to pay. We have their contacts as well, and you can just reach out directly. It's 100% free.
  13. G

    Best Adnetwork in Global?

    Well, really depends on your niche/vertical/geo & main platform (online or mobile). Just off the top of my head:, Conversant (Valueclick), Exponential, RevContent, AdBlade,
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    500$ For Which Media Buying Network is Best?

    You can actually look up Thalamus in the tools section, and search for 'hair' as your audience. From there you can filter down to the type of network/publisher/platform you'd like to work with and pricing model, and reach out to them directly. It's 100% free.
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    Want To Learn Media Buying?

    To be honest, it would be best to really hone in on and optimize SEO first. Media buying is great but with the delay in payables it may take you a while to have your free cashflow at the point where you can constantly run campaigns. There are a lot of great SEO tools out there - maybe start a...
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    Incent CPI traffic in Australia

    You should look into Leadbolt, I think they'll have the highest quality installs for that geo (since they are based there)
  17. G

    High CPM Banners Network With Low Payouts would be another good one to look into
  18. G

    Low Cost Media Buying Networks?

    Not trying to push anything actually - it's 100% for people to use.. The way we make money is through premium features for ad vendors (web publishers, ad networks, etc). Feel free to check it out and give us any feedback, we always want to improve :)
  19. G

    Desktop Banner Traffic

    Best to work with Ad Networks or Programmatic players that provide site-level transparency. It's hard these days for any buyer with the opacity of the industry - but I guess it benefits the adtech companies to be less transparent. We built a tool that might help - it has data on all the ad...
  20. G

    Low Cost Media Buying Networks?

    You can check out Thalamus on the tools page, and search for the audience, pricing model, channel you are looking for. We even have the contacts of the networks.